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Kaylee Biesemeier

1. Food insecurity really affects students physical health. Many students who attend college are on a no-loan financial aid policy. So when these students are on break and the cafeterias shut down; they have no money to get food. This causes students to not even be able to afford to go home, let alone their own food. So, these students will have to pick up some extra work around campus just to get the necessity of food.
2.I think Jack added a great touch to this article by explaining that he experienced food insecurity. It makes the article more deep because he can actually empathize with these other students. I think this article would not be the same if he didn't add this touch in because it adds way more character. He isn't just someone looking from the outside, he was actually there having to deal with food insecurity.
3. Jack quoted many students who are dealing with food insecurities, but I wouldn't say that he quoted them in the best format possible. After reading chapter 3 from "They Say, I Say," and then looking back at Jack's quotes; I realized he could've formed the quotations a little bit better so that the article would look more sophisticated and educated. Instead of just saying the specific person's name and then following the quote, he could have said "X states", "According to X", or even "X agrees when she said." These templates for introducing quotations sound way more professional and look better too!
4. I think the responsibility for this food insecurity among college students has to deal with the initiatives and policies of the different colleges and universities. This widespread phenomena has nothing to do with the students. These students are enrolled into college and should be able to get food all year round. Food is a main source of brain fuel. These students who are not getting any food are becoming academically challenges. According to Jack, "Hunger in the midst of plenty weakens students’ sense of belonging and undercuts their social, emotional and physical well-being." That smacks you right in the face, these poor students are going in a negative downward spiral all because of this food insecurity. In his journal, Jack maintains that "A more recent George Washington University survey revealed that one in five first-generation college students reported being “food insecure” three or more times a week." That is startling and that includes a big body of students. It is time to end these food securities and let's keep the cafeteria all year round.

Christy Carden

Food insecurity affects more than just the students on campus and much more of the time than only during Spring Break. I personally as a non-traditional student living off campus with children who were traditional college sturdents simultaneously found myself visiting the food pantry at the University many times.
Some of the obstacles caused by food insecurity are not simply lack of proper nutrition. They are much more complex and not recovered from once proper nutrition is restored. For example, try concentrating on studying for final exams with the constant worry of how you will manage to feed yourself and your children while keeping the lights on for the next week.
This stress is compounded by knowing if you don't do well on the exams your GPA drops which results in less financial aid, and more debt.
Financial aid does not go far in covering meals on campus as all students know, because the prices are excessive compared to level of nutrition.

Janice G

The other issue discussed in this article, written by Anthony Jack, involve money and social classes. While the articles main debate is the health concern amongst students during spring break it also proposes the idea of those who are unwealthy starving, stealing, or going through pain through this break. The article provides evidence of a student stealing food the day the cafeteria's closed. “…I took a bunch of bread and things that are not perishable.” The insecurity in being able to afford the next meal, especially at the esteemed universities discussed, brings a new stress factor to a minority of students. “These changes would allow students to focus energy and time on academics instead of strategizing about ways to secure food.” The programs trying to be implemented would allow those who are unwealthy to continue their academic career.

Jahaida G

1.Food insecurities are abig issue and don't allow students to be able to purchase food when campus is closed which students struggle because some depend on the free meals or reduced emals provided.

2.Jack included his own experience because he feels if students can relate maybe he feels a movement can be made. I feel the article would not be the same if he didn't bring a personal touch which brings how he includes the E.P.L.
3.For the They Say, Jack draws brief quotations from students but I feel that he included a good amount of info but based on Chapter 3 he could of included more of what the templates examples that are given be included in his quotations.

4.I feel the responsibility does not lay with the students since the purpose many students attend school is to get a career to have a better living rather then the current living situation that they encounter. I feel the responsibility should lay on the schools and government because I feel students are entitled to have at least 1 hot meal to keep them going and to help them focus more in school and have a higher success rate. I think government programs should be providing these programs for students of all backgrounds because we want people to succeed. I feel personally from my experience coming from a single mother having to grow up eating in the streets digging thru garbage that some sort of program should not only exist in schools but communities of more low income families live at. I believe that if these programs existed many more students would graduate and we would have a lower drop rate and even maybe a lower crime rate with one simple but drastic change for the better.

malik alexander

I think that food insecurity is a really big issue in colleges and can affects students physical health and mental . alot of college students who rely on parent funding financial aid or are on a no-loan financial aid agreement which doesnt provide them with funds. when the schools are on break and the cafeterias shut down; they have no money or way to get food. Which result in students will having to pick up some extra work around campus or a job which in school just to eat.I think Jack gave great support to his claim of lack of food for students when explaining that he experienced food insecurity. It supports the article because he can actually empathize with these other students ans proves that we is a credible speaker.To be honest i believe the only people responsable for making sure student have food all year round and are always feed while on campus in the school and univerities. We all the money we already have to pay and with all the student loans and aid that may or may not be given i the think school should have to ensure food and service to students tht alraedy pay so much just to go to school.

Aaron Plank

It is often said that college students don't have much money and buy really cheap food. Many people assume that if students can find a source of food during the school days then they could during a break; however, according to Anthony Abraham Jack in "It’s Hard to Be Hungry on Spring Break", students have a hard time finding food during the breaks because cafeterias close their doors during this time due to students not being on campus. It should be the college's responsibility to keep up with the students that can't afford to go anywhere during breaks and provide them with cheap food that provides the nutrition they need to last the break.

Damien Bailey

Food insecurities have been completely normalized. It is common for me to talk to other students about their college experience, and inevitably someone brings up how college students starve. Although I have not had to go hungry as a college student I can definitely relate to how clever you learn to get when you are a student as far as meals go. The effects of not getting good meals include academic distraction, and increased stress in addition to nutritional deficiencies. This is a national problem and we it needs to be address on a national platform and monies allotted for meals.

Joey Anthony

I believe that college students deserve to be helped by the U.S. to help them in these tough times in their lives. College students have most just started after high school and used most of their funds just trying to get into the school. Young adults brains have not fully developed making it harder for them to makes smart decisions compared to a middle aged adult in the same shoes, whom can make decisions of food, utilities, shelter etc. college students need help we these developing areas of their lives. Personally, I have a lot of family that are homeless or have been homeless and have struggled with food and water and trying to stay in a good life style. I understand how these students feel and they deserve all the help they can get.

Eric Lynum

Its vital to the a students well being to obtain food. During the break it becomes harder for low income students. I struggle to get food myself sometimes during school. According to Anthony Abraham "It's Hard to be Hungry on Spring Break" some students have to pay for housing over the breaks over the semester putting a greater financial strain on them. Jack also adds his personal experience to make a connection with a reader. This grabs the readers attention. Thus bringing attention to the problem


Other problems that occur when students can't leave campus during breaks are the feeling of being poor on a rich campus. They may feel that they are being isolated, when all the dining halls are closed during school breaks. Mentally, I think Jack states when students have no resources for food, it's frustrating and the students feel that they are different than other students enrolled, meaning the students fill that they are put on a back burner until classes are back in session. Which mentally, they have to worry about where there next meal is coming from.Lack of food can also affect the left behind students learning or study skills, which can lower their grades. Jack also points out that it can weaken a students general well being.

Amanda Martinez

Food insecurity is a real problem that affects low-income students, even students who go to elite colleges are affected by food insecurity. To address food insecurity is by not closing the college's cafeterias or at least provide food to students that are having this kind of problem. Another way to address this issue is by increasing the Federal Pell Grants, that way students will have enough to cover their food expenses while in college. Another way to cease or reduce food insecurity problems is by expanding the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program(Snap) eligibility for students. This issue is concerning and needs to end, it not only affects the health of students but also their performance and engagement in classes.

Cynthia Yohe

1. There is more of an issue about food insecurity and its the fact that it occurs at times that aren't school breaks. Most college students can't afford the high priced meal plans that the school offers them. During many public school lunch programs low-income students were offered with free/reduced lunch if their parents applied to the program so why isn't there a free/reduced lunch college program especially when it's needed the most? And if students are able to afford to grocery shop then they'll often reduce to fast microwavable meals because it's cheaper then buying healthier food options.

2. I believe that Jack including his personal experience with food insecurity really opens up the reader's eyes. He includes these personal facts about himself to show that this is real and that this is affecting many college students.

3. Jack should've included more quotations because they are powerful forms of expression. Although I thought his quotations were fine I think he should just include longer quotes.

4. I think the responsibility lies in the university. I'm highly sure that the facility of this school is well aware that many students face food insecurity but they don't help resolve this problem. Food shouldn't be considered a privilege especially since its a physical need. I definitely think schools should take charge and help out there food insecure students.

John Wick

1.Food insecurities are huge problem and students cant purchase food when campus is closed which students struggle because some depend on the free meals or reduced meals provided. This causes some students to starve or scrape for food when stuck on campus during break.

I have went through this problem my freshman year of college and it was not easy. I ended up spending what little money I had ordering dominos to my dorm because it was literally my only choice. The only way to truly solve this problem is for the school to leave at least one form of dining open for students on campus so they don't have to struggle getting food. This way students who decide to stay on campus or even students who can't leave won't have to worry about there dinner. I think it is vital for students who stay over break to be provided with food by the university as since they are paying students the university should be trying to accommodate them any way they can. The feeling of your stomach twisting and sharp pains in your abdomen, as you sit nauseous just thinking about your next meal should not be an experience a stressed college student goes through. I REFUSE TO HAVE A NAP FOR DINNER.

Ebben Berenstein

Anthony Abraham Jack claims that "food insecurity undercuts academic performance". I can agree that not having access to food in college can effect your grades and academic performance. I can relate to that feeling, not to the large extent many larger school students face because I commute and still live at home. But I can remember having a especially crammed semester where I didn't have much of a break for lunch. I can remember bringing rather unhealthy food and eating in class or in hallways between classes.Due to this my health weakened and i felt sluggish and unmotivated. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be on campus during break and the cafeteria being closed. I think that the colleges should take poorer students into consideration when closing the cafeteria during break. Myself working a part time job could not afford to buy groceries during my spring break. I think this is a big issue that needs to be brought up more in college related arguments.

Mirza Hasic

I agree with Jack that food insecurity is a massive problem for some students, particularly during breaks where campuses close their cafeteria and leave students to their own devices. While many may not have this problem, there are also those that simply cannot afford food outside of what their school provides for them. I do not personally have this problem, but I know many that do and it is far more widespread than people may realize. I know a few fellow students that skip meals to make ends meet. As Jack mentioned, some colleges even charge students additional daily rates to stay on campus during breaks. For many people, that can be the difference between whether or not they eat that day.

Group 3

The author argues that all colleges should keep dining halls open over spring break due to the lack of resources that low income students have. We agree with the statement because with the increase of low income students going to college, it has become very important for there to be sufficient university resources at all times of the semester. With the lack of access to food for some students over Spring break, it leaves students with even more unnecessary expenses that can easily cripple a college students bank account.

Pat L

Food insecurities have many effects on students on college campuses, other than physical health issues. College students often portray dangerous actions and behaviors, specifically making major sacrifices to their bodies. In some instances, this may include skipping meals in order to see a desired physical appearance. In other cases, there are college students who cannot afford to maintain a balanced diet and obtain the proper nutrition that is needed daily. Therefore, with a lack of money, some students are required to take desperate measures to obtain these basic necessities. Being able to leave school during break might be taken for granted by some, while others it is a privilege. There are students who cannot afford to always leave school for break. The inability to leave campus presents these students with a number of problems. For example, many of these low-income students live on campus, therefore will remain there over break. With that being said, many campuses close their dining services over break, which limits the food options for these individuals who choose to stay. The low-income students cannot afford to spend money on food consistently. In addition, these students have limited access to kitchens, which can be rough. Jack shared his personal experiences in order to demonstrate that these issues are real and provide a sense of personalness to the readers. He expressed that during spring break, he had to put meals on his credit card, and try to go through campus job postings to pick up extra shifts to pay it off. By sharing his experiences, he provides support for students in a similar situation, and provides information about food insecurity. The quotes Jack used from his interview are sufficient, because they give enough information to show what some college students might go through during spring break. I think the schools should be responsible for reducing the food insecurity problem, so they can give their students the best experience possible. Universities know the struggle that their students face, so instead of trying to save money, that these students are spending, they should make it easier for them to have access to cheaper and nutritious meals.

Nawaf Alghamdi

In the Article (It’s Hard to Be Hungry on Spring Break) the author (Anthony Abraham Jack) is arguing about the cafeterias closing during breaks and how low-income students struggle with food at that time. Also, he talks about the rooms for the students. The main point about his argument is the struggle the student face to have the extra money to have access to these things. He mentioned that the low-income students need to pay more money to the tuition to have the ability to eat at the college’s cafeterias during the school breaks. He also wrote about some colleges that came up with solutions for this issue, which is to add a decent amount of money to let the students who interest in spending the break time in campus. Also, the international students have these things technically for free. So, the poor students how cannot go to their families have a place to stay and get good quality food.
I partly agree with Anthony Abraham’s argument that these students must have these things even if there are breaks at the time. Not all students have the ability to pay more to college to stay at where they are staying the rest of the year. What I really think is these things should be free to them because they paid their tuition for the year. I think the ability of learn and have all the resources to do that should be free. I believe the investment in the new generations worth more that money. But here at the US colleges are not free. Poor student struggle to get in a college. They do not need to have extra stress to stay at their dorms during breaks. I think all students should have the same treatment. Local and international student can stay at dorms and eat at the cafeterias during breaks.

Noah Weinstein

I agree with jack’s view on campus dining, I feel as if it very unfair to those students who are less fortunate. Students who are poorer and can’t buy extra meals or eat off campus are limited to campus dining, and when universities go on breaks, they cannot eat at these dining halls is simply unfair to them. If less advantageous students have to pay so much to be at a university, they should be able to access its resources throughout the year, despite breaks. If these students cannot receive their campus dining during break, they will have to resort to other means of eating which might come from stealing, or for another example, tinder dates. Universities who close their dining halls during break need to open their dining halls on break to ensure that students who can’t leave are still considered for and taken care of.


Food insecurity is a real issue that goes beyond a students physical health, in Anthony Abraham Jack’s article, “It’s Hard to Be Hungry on Spring Break” he beings to explain the struggles endured by students who stay living on campus during breaks throughout the school year, such as Thanksgiving break, winter break, and spring break. Students who are not financially able to go away and/or be with their families are forced to stay on campus, going about their break alone, left with the pressure of finding some kind of food help get them by. Jack explains how badly having the cafeterias on campuses closed affects students, and makes it significantly harder for students to be able to afford to eat during these breaks. The reality is not every student is able to afford a meal, so during this time, students take it upon themselves to find jobs just to make ends meet, so they could be able to have some kind of nutrition to sustain them. The stress that accompanies not being able to eat is unfortunate and unnecessary. This leads to mental issues as well. Jack touches on what this could do to a student’s self-esteem; the student will feel like an outcast. This has a ripple effect leading to academic distractions, health issues along with pressure that is beyond just school work. Hunger and health go hand in hand, these students should be having access to their basic needs, which means having cafeterias open should be a priority. Not every student is in the same situation, all students deserve to be kept in mind

Johnson Li

Jack’s article “It’s Hard to Be Hungry on Spring Break” talks about low-income students struggling to get food during the breaks because campus dining is closed. Jack reasoned this by how colleges assume that most students leave on breaks and go on a vacation of sorts. Jack adds his own personal experience during his time as a college student, relating to current students that are dealing with food insecurity during breaks. As the article also included college students view on food insecurity and how they dealt with it by taking more shift hours around college or just working longer hours in general. Some students resorted to going on dates with fine dining included just to fill their bellies. Of course, it doesn’t only affect them physically as it can also cause social prejudice on the fact, they are low-income students. Since, they are also forced to deal with it. This pushes a low-income student to make sacrifices in what they eat during breaks compared to off breaks. Although there are some universities that have solved this problem by opening campus dining during breaks for free or a manageable fee. But it is not a national effort for colleges to aid low-income students that deal with food insecurity because it is only individual colleges that opened campus dining during breaks or opening food banks for students to have access to healthier food options. Jack’s article goes in-depth on his topic on low-income students that stay on campus during breaks but unable to get food because campus food services are closed and unavailable. His use of quotations for some of the student’s experiences and his own personal experience really elevate the priority of the topic for colleges. If he didn’t add his own personal experience in dealing with food insecurity it would be less effective because it builds a relation or empathetic bond to other students that also must deal with food insecurity. To answer number three, he should have included longer quotations with more information because it draws the readers attention and gives context on the topic. This should be a federal government responsibility because it is a national problem that colleges aren’t solving and is shameful since individual colleges solved it. Jack ended his article with solutions such as increases to the Pell Grant and expanding college student’s eligibility for SNAP, and a mind opening philosophical quote.

Zachary Mayeux

It is Good to Insert Quotations into the Text Because it is good to see how the person is feeling about without just assuming as a whole it makes their story stronger Because it was someone who expierenced it

Elise G.

3. First he started with a general assumption of collage breaks, and ended with the reality. Used a quote in the introductory paragraphs that wasn't sandwiched with templets, but opened a topic from this students testimony. He continued the complication of the situation

The next time he presents a quote the writer does sandwich the quote properly. The quote is short and so there is not helpfull to hear a one liner quote explained. Instead he describes the situation, and the student is proof of the situation.

Another way he uses quotes is after his explanations, he may add another testimony to solidify the point. Some might call a terminating sesntence, pulling your paragraph together in a short, solidifying, and strong statement or quote.

On of the last quotes we are left with is an outcry at the end of a paragraph. Though this is not the quite qualifications of a terminating sentence, it summarizes, concludes, and legitimacies the struggle described in the paragraph. As it is the last sentence it leaves us with the students question of "what the hell are we supposed to do."

Overall though these quotes are short, and not all sandwiched in templets from chater3. Weather the quote is to legitimacies, make you question or solidify a point, they are each for a different purpose and are well executed in why and how they are presented in this article.

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