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Dashawn Griffin

1. AI technologies could revolutionize content creation by automating the process of scripts and visuals. The author hints that AI has the potential to replace human involvement in writing scripts. AI generators have the ability to create realistic images and create deep fakes. The passage mentions the capability of AI to absorb scripts and generate visuals indicating that AI could replace roles involved in visual effects (VFX) and potentially alter or create images without human intervention.
2. The naysayer's point of view is driven by the belief that there will still be a market for human based content creation. They draw a parallel to how people appreciate and purchase craft beer and handmade jewelry suggesting that there will always be a niche for content created by humans despite the rise of AI-generated material. The author Nunn presents the naysayers point of view and states their claim, as well as responding to the claim presented.
3. When Gunn refers to Hollywood writers as "the canaries in the coal mine " he is using a metaphor to suggest that the challenges faced by writers in Hollywood are indicative of broader issues that will affect other industries and workers. Other people should also be concerned about the issue because it affects jobs in various other industries not just Hollywood. Gunn encourages readers beyond Hollywood writers to care about the strike by using metacommentary. Metacommentary is a technique where the writer comments on their own writing or argument.


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