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1. car parts and bags

Devon Elliott

I believe that the opportunity for native people to grow hemp is a good source of jobs and a way to help contribute to the economy. LaDuke states that the hemp industry creates "... a sustainable economy that will create high-playing jobs and bring in a steady stream of income for Lakota tribes." Since for years native tribes around the US have struggled, I feel that the ability for the tribes to have a way to benefit from something like this, it should be explored. LaDuke also informs the reader about some of the benefits and how hemp is not a crop that uses chemicals in order to grow. Hemp also does not require large amounts of water either. I feel this is important because we are struggling with maintaining our land due to the amount of pesticides used it commercial growing.

Jeremy Locklear

Although I agree with Elliott, that the opportunity for native people to grow hemp is a good source of jobs and a way to help contribute to the economy, I contest that this opportunity should not be limited solely to native tribes around the U.S. If this opportunity truly is as good as Elliott claims, then we should encourage the rest of the U.S. to engage with this commercial growing.

Marc Baroncini

When it comes to entering the work industry, this may be one of the few opportunities that Native Americans may get. Hemp is a good benefit for Natives who cultivate on those crops. On what other industry will this race be economically contributing in?


In her essay, LaDuke argues that native tribes should grow and sell hemp plants like they have historically done. LaDuke hopes that the emergence of hemp plants will help the native tribes lead the US into a greener and more sustainable economy. I entirely agree that hemp should be legal to grow and used for making goods. I think that the growing of hemp could be very beneficial to the economy of native tribes. I don't think hemp can entirely replace a carbon economy, however, I think it is a good step towards a greener economy while still creating economic growth.

Joshua Gillard

I agree with the essay that allowing native tribes to grow, sell, and profit from hemp would be a great opportunity for those who cultivate the crop.


Although I agree with Hemp being another good add to the economy, I still feel as if it shouldn't be overused and should be regulated. This is a good way to put your opinions online it allows for you to see others thoughts on the subject. Native tribes should be allotted the rights and benefits that were taken from them in the beginnings of this country.


Winona LaDuke makes a good case for the economic benefits and opportunities that the hemp industry can provide many native tribes throughout the United States. The author states that hemp is one of the most versatile plants to grow and she sees hemp as the "new green revolution tied to justice, economics, restoration ecology, and a return to the land movement." She says that hemp is important to a carbohydrate economy, one that is based on plants. LaDuke informs the reader about all the native businesses (including her own) that grow, cultivate and produce products made from organic hemp. She describes partnerships and collaborations that create a local economy and give tribal nations financial independence. But I do agree with Finch when he says "I think that the growing of hemp could be very beneficial to the economy of native tribes. I don't think hemp can entirely replace a carbon economy" Hemp does have the potential to create jobs and income to native tribes and expand green technology but it won't replace the use of fossil fuels.

Saniah Wiggins

I agree with Winona LaDuke's argument that hemp not only allows for more opportunities for our environment to become better but also it will allow for opportunities for the Native community, giving more job opportunities. I appreciated this argument because it took something that is demonstrated as a "controversial" topic and brought it into a more positive light that has the ability to help our environment and the people in it.


I find the point about transitioning from a hydrocarbon economy to a carbohydrate economy intriguing. On one hand, I believe the climate change is a major problem that all of us face today. But on the other hand, to my knowledge we don't have a strong enough source of clean energy to switch over from fossil fuels and the like to clean energy. This article talks a lot about equality for different people, but the transition from dirty energy sources to clean energy sources has the potential to divide groups of people even further. I do believe we are capable of transitioning to clean energy, but I worry that a rush to do so will only create more social and other problems

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