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Alexa Joseph

I love doing partying in the streets. Check this blog about parties. https://gbofficial.net/gbwhatsapp-apk-download/


They say arguments could of been implied by showing how others feel about the subject and then how the writer feels about parties in the streets. Lacour points out to a larger goal, making public celebrations “more attentive to the needs of all.” Which in a way its a nice way to get evryone to feeling more welcomed since they are open events.

Ashlee + Tarsia

Lacour argues that all people should be included in things like Mardi Gras, concerts, etc. All people includes those who have autism. Her “they say” isn’t necessarily what someone is saying, it’s more based on the actions of what people aren’t doing. These events are not accommodating everyone. People with autism can be triggered by things like flashing light and loud noises which is mostly what happens at Mardi Gras. Lacour prepares her team by letting them create costumes and decorations so they can understand what kind of things they will see. They are also put in similar test situations to show what Mardi Gras would be like, it teaches them about the things they can expect and how they can handle the situations. Lacour’s “so what” explains how people with autism are part of the community and should be able to attend events just as anyone else in the community can. She explains that “parents, family members need to prepare them to do this.” She states that in order for this goal to become a reality, the listener “need[s] to provide the acceptance.”


Lacour's argument is about parties and other events accepting all types of people, there should be no excluding of others. Autistic people have the right to party and enjoy themselves just as much as anybody else does. This is more of an "I say" argument because it's all based off of her opinion. The community should welcome all individuals to events because nobody can tell another person they aren't allowed to attend. Especially because of a health condition.

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