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The article, The Internet of Bodies Will change Everything, for Better or Worse, is about introducing certain devices that can improve the quality of living and health care for people. The internet of bodies is the internet connected devices that monitor the body and collect health and personal information. However, these devices can be a risk to privacy because some companies sell your data to others. You can own a watch that tracks your health. It also talks about how our smartphones are eventually going to become our own personal doctors. If we lost the devices that we use on a daily basis already, then life with technology will go backwards not forwards. For example, if we could not monitor the health of people today then the death rate would be really high. Gladly these devices are changing everyday and more devices are being made to reach the full potential of technology.


The Internet of Bodies Will change Everything, for Better or Worse, is an article about teaching people that there are devices that can allow someone’s life style to be healthier. They have made a device that can collect all of your health qualities and can read your entire body to record personal information. For instance, if the person has this device and has a certain disease the device reads it and stores it as someone would call it, your health journal. The down fall is your privacy. Since this device tracks pretty much your entire body, your personal information is technically still on the internet and everyone knows what goes on the internet isn’t private anymore. The article also explain how advanced technology is getting that one day our iPhone will be our healthcare providers. The Internet of Bodies will honestly change everything in the future and technology will one day be able to control our entire health.

Derek R

“The internet of Bodies will change everything, for better or worse” is an article that’s talking about, how technology in the medical field is advancing, and how it can be a bad but also a good thing. They call it Internet of bodies because they’re devices that monitor the human body and collect information to send that data over the internet. A great example of a IOB (Internet of bodies) are fitness watches like the apple watch or the Fitbit. Not to mention technology has advanced so much so that we have created artificial organs, such as an artificial pancreas that automatically give insulin doses for diabetics. However, all of this technology is great and all, but there’s a concern on how people’s personal data can be sold to literally anyone. IoB devices are great and all but it can cost us our privacy. As, Technology advances and the more the impossible become possible, we got to be careful because we never know if our privacy is guaranteed.

Raymond A

The article, The Internet of Bodies Will Change Everything, for Better or Worse, is teaching people that improvements in technology can allow them to live a healthier lifestyle with less complications. The internet of bodies (IOB) is the devices that are connected to your body that processes information and collects data. Some example of these devices are smart watches, digital pills, and even artificial organs. Although there are so many benefits with IOB’s, there are also many risks involved. Privacy is the main risk when it comes to IOB’s because companies may sell the data they collect from the device to others. These IOB’s allow people to track their health with just a smartphone device at any moment. In the article, it talks about how because of this, eventually smartphones are going to become our personal doctors. The benefits still outweigh the risk when it comes to IOB’s and improvements are being made every day to the technology.


“The Internet of Bodies will Change Everything, for Better or Worse” is an article that explores both the benefits and drawbacks of IoBs or smart devices. These mechanical devices exist to provide essential health information, monitor vitals, and most of all, improve quality of life. Examples of these include fitness watches, internet-connected insulin pumps, digital pills, or even artificial organs. Despite this advancement in technology, there are a few underlying ethical concerns that question the use and access to one’s personal information. Since IoB devices are connected to the internet, this can provide an entry for potential hackers and lead to tampered data, faulty devices, or even subject the patient to medical inquiries from insurance agencies. To mitigate this risk, a few policies have been proposed. For example, federal and state government intervention could place regulations for data brokers, restrictions on who can obtain the data, and determine whether data can be sold to third parties. Unauthorized data sharing poses a considerable risk which can reveal sensitive information that could be used against the patient. In consideration of what’s at stake, informed consent, and a national regulation response should be adopted as the capabilities of IoBs grow in our technology-advanced world. The debate between technology and privacy is one that continually exists.

Matthew Usrey

The Internet of Bodies is something that we should probably be worried about in our future. They are able to save and store your data which can means that they can see exactly what you do on your phone or what you browse on the internet. However these devices can be used for good keeping track of your health and diet. Unfortunately this stuff is not private just to us and I believe there needs to be some regulation on what of your personal information is available to these types of devices.

Randy L Johnson

The article, The Internet of Bodies will change Everything, for Better or Worse, this is an article about different devices that can alert, monitor, and record a person's health like smart watches and smart phones with lifestyle apps that can tell you your blood pressure or blood sugar level. The technology being used today can cut down your visits to the doctor. By using these devices you are subject to your information becoming stolen by hackers on the internet. Aswell as company's selling your information for profit. It is crazy to think that your own health information could be used against you in a court of law an example of this very thing explained in the article. I have been using a fitness tracker to record my steps, miles walked, heart rate, and completed time of miles. This has been very helpful in my fitness journey and motivates me to continue to better myself. I do not agree with company's selling your information without consent or the courts using your private health information in a case against you.

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