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Joshua Pinckney

1. The use of the singular "they" is important when using it for the audience, as the audience could be anybody as well as any gender, or other. The use of "they" is imperative when writing a sentence relating to a subject noun as it creates an internal blank space for the reader allowing the subject to refer to anyone, creating endless possibilities rather than he or she which are very restrictive.

2. Dreyer used multiple pronoun substitutes for his colleague such as using their name or calling them "my colleague," by through stuttering he discovered the answer to his problems and
used "they"

Joshua Pinckney

Comment correction
1. The use of the singular "they" is important when using it for the audience, as the audience could be anybody as well as any gender, or other. The use of "they" is imperative when writing a sentence relating to a subject noun as it creates an internal blank space for the reader allowing the subject to refer to be anonymous and refer to anyone, creating endless possibilities rather than he or she which are very restrictive.

2. Dreyer used multiple pronoun substitutes for his colleague such as using their name or calling them "my colleague" by stuttering he discovered the answer to his problems and
used "they" ending the unnecessary substitutes he used previously. Supporting Dreyer's argument that "they" carries a universal meaning in pronoun grammar and can be applied to all subject nouns without error.

3. Dreyer uses grammar techniques such as constantly restating the main purpose of the article by constantly reiterating the word "they" in the article as to persuade the reader that its use is required to be a "protector of language" by expressing the importance of its use. Dreyer connects the mentioning of individuals who are "gender-nonconforming." with his colleague as he did his best to avoid he or she pronouns before using "they" proving that it is universal and refers to any individual. Thus Dreyer strongly supports the use of "they". Dreyer also explains that Mariam-Webster, a company common for their commonly used for dictionaries and thesauruses "named “they” as word of the year" implying that the company recommends the word to for all purposes rather than he or she. Dreyer also mentions that "they" "has been used for this purpose for over 600 years”, he is historically speaking that "they" is the best use for the audience as well as the subject of any sentence.

4. Dreyer conveys that The "protectors of language" are the individuals who use "they" as a primary choice of subject grammar in any sentence. The language that Dreyer questions are the individuals who only use he and she pronouns. This matters because speakers must be mindful of how they address who they are speaking to or who they are speaking about, this is why they use of "they" is important. As a "protector of language" he would deem anyone who does not use "they" for a primary pronoun as public enemy number one in the world of grammar.

Abigail Oldfield

1. The singular "they" is useful because the audience could be anybody of any gender so it is less restricting to use "they" as the pronoun. People use "they" when referring to the subject because it allows for the reader to input their gender instead of being restricted to the gender given in the passage.

2. In one instance, Dreyer used many different pronouns for his colleague as a way to avoid using the word "they". He eventually used the word "they" and it made his life much easier. This supports the fact that "they" has a universal meaning and it can be applied to any subject without fail.

3. Dreyer constantly repeats his main theme by using the word "they" continuously. One area that he connected really well was the story about his coworker, describing how he always avoided using the pronoun "they" and used other pronouns instead, until he eventually decided that it was the best pronoun to use. This helps guide the reader because it helps show the progression of most fearing the word "they", to then realizing that it is the best word to use in any situation.

4. Dreyer says that the protector of language is anyone that uses "they" as the primary pronoun because they are no longer generalizing their audience. Anybody that uses "he" or "she" are going to be questioned on their language because they aren't taking into account their audience. Language is power, but when you generalize someone and you assume who or what they are or aren't you are taking away their power.

Keegan Carroll

1.The word "they is used in multiple times, but also when using "he" or "she". People use the term "they" with the singular use in mind when describing somebody with respect. It is more respectful to some people if you identify them with a genderless noun like "they." By using they it allows for more room to develop a better vocabulary an also more people will feel more accepted around you.
2. Dreyers personal life affects the use of the word "they" very much. he explains how people will feel more comfortable around their baby, when instead of using he they use they. In his work area, he was troubled with what to call his colleague. he stuttered to the word they, and thought that was the answer to call. He found that more affective than calling them by their name. He agrees with the mainstream of the word they in singular form. He views himself as a "protector of language", with the word they being one of the words he protects.
3. Dreyer uses many types of transitions to strengthen his argument throughout the article. he uses a type when he repeats a certain word throughout the entire essay, and that word is they. By using the word day in his article it is making it more compelling to understand what the author is stating.He also uses personal transition, with only a couple paragraphs in between his personal experiences, which allows for the reader to develop a personal attachment with Dreyer.
4. The protector of language is anybody that uses it to protect other. With Dreyer it his him protecting future relations with someone he just met. In the article it says,"Moreover, an actual relationship with someone I immediately respected." he is using this examples as it may connect with many people because humans meet new colleagues all the time.

Zylazjah Hicks

1- The term "they” is used in many ways,People use the term "they" with the remarkable use in mind when describing somebody with respect. It is more respectful to some people if you identify them with a unisexual noun like "they” , and using they it let for more room to develop a better vocabulary an also more people will feel more comfortable around you.

2- Example , Dreyer used many different pronouns for his teammate as a way to not using the word "they". He eventually used the word "they" and it made things way more easier. It also help that the fact that "they" has a general meaning .

3- Dreyer uses many types of changes to gain his argument through the article. he use a type when he says a a certain word over and over throughout the whole essay. He also used his own changes , within only a couple paragraphs in between his own experiences, that gives the reader to time to grow a personal bond with Dreyer.

4- Dreyer bring that The "protectors of language" are the single who use "they" as a key choice of subject grammar in any sentence. It’s important because speakers must be alert of how they address who they are speaking to or about. "protector of language" he would allow anyone who does not use "they" for a main pronoun as social attacker number 1 in the world of grammar.

Kirkland Kessler

1. The use of singular “they” is useful when talking to or about someone of any gender. People use the singular “ they” when talking to someone in a respectful manner and to not bring gender into the discussion.
2. One of Dreyer’s personal experiences with using the singular “they” was with his colleague. Dreyer had trouble using substitutes of pronouns for his colleague until he used “they”. He then realized that using the singular “they” was “relatively simple” and could easily be used in the mainstream world.
3. Dreyer is constantly repeating the word “they” to remind the reader what the main point is in the article. By Dreyer doing this he is able to make the reader become comfortable with the word “they”. He is also able to give many personal experiences that helps bring the reader closer with Dreyer and develop a bond.
4.Dreyer states that the protector of language is someone who is able to use “they” as their only pronoun. He is questioning the people who use pronouns that relate to gender. This is important because a speaker should always be mindful of who they are speaking to and how they should address the person or audience. Language is power and everyone has that power, but a person could use that power poorly and offend someone else taking away their power.

Ariana Padilla

In the article "Language is here to serve all of us. Merriam-Webster's word of the year shows that" by Benjamin Dreyer, Dreyer informs readers that Merriam-Webster named "they" as word of the year. Dreyer dives into why the use of the word "they" is so important. He talks about his personal and professional experiences he's had with using the word "they". Dreyer explains using the word "they" is the right thing to do" and I agree with him.

1. Using the word "they" is important because it can apply to all different types of people and genders. Gender non-conforming people can get offended if you call them the wrong pronouns whether it be "he" or "she". You never want to offend someone when carrying a conversation with them. This is why it's crucial to use the word "they" because it can be used to talk about singular or plural subject nouns, without the subject being identified as a certain pronoun.

2. Dreyer's personal and professional experience with using the word "they" allowed him to start being open-minded towards all types of people and genders, and how unique everyone is. Dreyer's main argument is that everyone should use the word "they" because he agrees that it is the right word for all situations.

3. Throughout the whole passage, Dreyer repeats the word "they" which is significant to his whole argument. By repeating this word it creates an emphasis on how powerful the word is. It isn't singling out one significant group, it includes everyone.

4. Dreyer alludes that the "protectors of language" are the people who choose to use "they" as their primary pronoun. Individuals who only use "he" and "she" would be singled out and questioned. This is important to understand because everyone needs to be mindful of what they identify others as. People should never want to offend their audience or whoever they are addressing. It's imperative to never generalize your audience, and always try and connect with them on a personal level. The audience may take it as you belittling them or trying to strip them of their power.

Matthew Smith

1. Using the word "they", is important because it can apply to all different types of people and genders. Gender non-conforming people can get offended if you call them the wrong pronouns whether it be "he" or "she". You never want to offend someone when carrying a conversation with them. This is why it's crucial to use the word "they" because it can be used to talk about singular or plural subject nouns, without the subject being identified as a certain pronoun.
2. Dreyer used multiple pronoun substitutes for his colleague such as using their name or calling them "my colleague", by stuttering he discovered the answer to his problems and
used "they" ending the unnecessary substitutes he used previously. Supporting Dreyer's argument that "they" carries a universal meaning in pronoun grammar and can be applied to all subject nouns without any error.
3. Dreyer uses many types of changes to gain his argument through the article. He uses a type when he says a a certain word over-and-over throughout the whole essay. He also used his own changes , within only a couple paragraphs in between his own experiences, that gives the reader to time to grow a personal bond with Dreyer.
4. Dreyer states that the protector of language is someone who is able to use “they” as their only pronoun. He is questioning the people who use pronouns that relate to gender. This is important because a speaker should always be mindful of who they are speaking too and how they should address the person or audience. Language is power and everyone has that power, but a person could use that power poorly and offend someone else taking away their power.


Benjamin Dreyer comes off as very honest in his article when he confesses that not only can the word "they" in writing culture be confusing because the amount of people can be either singular or plural, but it can also be a difficult adaption in the real world when a person claims "they" as their preferred pronouns. I agree with his comment that language and word use is very important when communicating, but if people aren't respectably on the same page, things can get very difficult to understand. I think it was also helpful that he noted that word use and meanings for certain words have changed over time, in other words staying fluid and willing to lear in crucial in th language and writing communities.

Josey Jennings

1. Singular “they” is useful when talking to or about someone of any gender. People use the singular “ they” when talking about someone when they are not sure of his/her gender.
2. Dreyer's experience with using the word "they" began his open-mindedness towards all types of people, no matter their gender identity. Dreyer's main argument is that everyone should use the word "they" because he thinks that it is the most respectful word for all situations.
3.Throughout the whole passage, Dreyer repeatedly uses the word "they", which is significant to the argument. Repeating this word creates an emphasis on how powerful it is. the word "they" isn't calling out anyone, it does the opposite; it includes everyone.
4. Dreyer announces that the protectors of language are people who are able to use “they” as the only pronoun. He is questioning the people who use pronouns that relate to gender. Only using "they" is essential because a speaker should always be respectful of who they are speaking to and how they should address the person.

sophia bond

In the article, "Language is here to serve all of us. Merriam-Webster's word of the year shows that," written by Benjamin Dreyer, Dreyer explains to readers why "they" is considered the Merriam-Webster word of the year. He does this by using his personal and some professional experiences with the word "they."
1. Using the word "they" is useful when referring to someone of any gender. Many gender non-conforming people may be offended if referred to through the wrong pronoun. Using "they" is the easiest way to avoid offending people.
2. Dreyer's experiences, both personal and profession, with using the term "they" allowed his to connect more with people. He became more openminded with all types of people, both gender conforming and nonconforming. Dreyer argues that "they" should be used as a universal term because it allows the user to remain respectful.
3. Throughout the passage, Dreyer repeats the word "they." This is significant to his argument because the repetition emphasizes the importance of the word. Using "they" includes everyone without anyone being called out for what they identify as.
4. Dreyer implies that the "protectors of language" are those who choose to use "they" instead of he/she. Anyone who uses "he" or "she" will be the ones questioned of their language choice because their audience isn't taking their audience into account. The use of "they" is important in remaining open-minded and respectful to what others choose to identify as. Language is a power that can be used for better or for worse. Using universal terms like "they" allows everyone to be included and respected.

Jatzel Correa

1. Using the pronoun they is important as it can be disrespectful to assume someone's pronoun if their gender identity falls into "they". Using they allows for the audience to have broader knowledge on the term as well as more acceptance of those using it. Often you see that in text the writer chooses between he/she, but using "they" includes everyone without having to mention all, as well as include those whose gender identity recalls for the pronoun "they". This is also how "they" also serves everyone's needs when identifying without offending anyone.
2. Over the course of his career he saw that it was not often done to use the term "they" instead of the pronouns "she/he". This lead to difficulty for him to be able to apply this in his everyday life when encountering the event of. Having a colleague who's preference was to go by "they" was something he felt was hard to apply due to never doing it before. He avoided the term as much as possible and often times would just call them by their name. Once he was able to start using the term he said he formed a greater understanding of its use and broad acceptance for others.
3. As I was reading his article I immediately noticed that when starting a new paragraph he used the word "yes" using it in a positive connotation, while making connections with the reader as he uses yes and proceeds to explain a certain process that the audience may relate to; for example, it being hard to use the word "they" at first.
4. He explains how if there were something such as a "language protector" and it were to be him, instead of protecting this word to be used in an inclusive context he would've asked himself "why would he be doing that?". The language of those who are wanting to progress and be able to identify in the way they're comfortable are those who are questioned. It matters because they have as much of a right as everyone else to use their preferred pronoun, as well as it matters that the English language continues progressing.

Michael Storm

I think that using the word “they” is a great thing and shouldn’t be looked down upon. The reason why is because there are multiple genders and people shouldn’t just sum it all up with just the male and female. Sometimes people don’t feel as if they are a make or female for various reasons. People should respect that and call them by the pronoun that they are comfy or less with. Everyone is different and I thing that this pronoun is of good use and should be used for people that feel this way.


1. The singular "they" can be used as a workaround for some writers if they don't know the gender or sex of someone. However when it comes to gender the singular form of "they" is used to express nonbinary or people who are gender-nonconforming.

2. Dreyer agrees with the use of the singular "they". Although Dreyer says that it can be tricky and hard to overcome the strange sound of saying they as singular. It is important to try and give the best effort to respect other people and try and refer to them as their respected pronoun.

3. When Dreyer is referring to his personal experience he repeats the word colleague multiple times in the same paragraph. He does this to show how hard it can be to overcome the use of the pronoun they as singular. It shows that obviously it is easy to refer to them as a title but it is still important to learn how to overcome the challenge of pronouns as a sign of respect.

4. Dreyer believes that the protector of language should be one's self. This is because everyone's language is questioned and every deserves to protect their own language. There shouldn't be just a single protector like a guardian because they can force gender upon them which they could neglect.

Samantha Gourd

1. "They" can be used as a singular or a plural but for some people it is hard to say singular. When it comes to gender singular form of "they" is used to express a nonbinary person or people.
2. Dreyer agrees with the use of "they" being singular. However, it can be hard and tricky at times to use it as it is intended. We have to try and respect people's pronouns though.
3. Dreyer expresses his personal experiences and how he overcame them. He thinks it is important to show he knows how to use those pronouns. It is easy to show them as a title but that isn't who they are.
4. Dreyer also believed that the language of a protector should be one's self. People should have the right to express who they are.

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