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Ana Jovanovic

1. Miller establishes rapport with her readers because she is a protein marketer and manages domestic and export sales for IMB Cattle company. She also builds rapport by trying to use pathos. Miller says "... We need to thank the veterinarian who amassed six-figure student loans to answer your call at 2 am because you can’t get one pulled. We need to thank the immigrant who feeds his family by spending 6 days a week surrounded by death..." She tries to appeal to our emotions and gain empathy for others.

2.Miller needs to understand that remember that the people she's talking about are probably related to the people she's talking to.

3. Miller says, "We need to thank the sales rep whose paycheck depends on the yield of brisket from week to week. We need to thank every single person who touches our product once it leaves our farms. We need to thank them for the work they do that makes our livelihood possible." Miller's so what is that if we think one person we need to thank everyone else who helps the economic system, and she thinks farmers aren't allowed to be entitled to thanks, or else everyone else should be too.

4. I have complaints and criticism for new wave feminists because they have now become an institution instead of a philosophy. Institutions are mostly interested in sustaining themselves and then engaging the world last. A lot of them believe that women are being constantly oppressed, all men are toxically masculine, inherently violent, and there are no biological or scientific differences between men and women. They believe everything is cultural imagination, and if you disagree, you're an oppressor too. Women should become the people they wish others to see, instead of forcing their thoughts and perceptions. I agree that women are harassed and marginalized, and they have been for years. Yet, I believe in the original feminist philosophy that all people, regardless of gender, should have the same rights and respect.

Harley Amburn

#1 Miller points out that she is with a chain of business with other people and if it wasn't for those people that she wouldn't be successful with her job. She also adds to thank the customers for putting faith and trust into her chain of business products. She is trying to point out that they are not the only important part of the chain. "What is abjectly worse is that by our own admissions we feel that we farmers and ranchers are the most important members of the value chain—we criticize packers for their margins. We pay the vet bill, eventually. We mock consumers for their ignorance and again for the demands they make upon us. And then we turn around and have the audacity to ask everyone to thank us?" (Miller's statement.)

#2 Instead of just talking about beef and the chain of beef workers, Miller could have added in about farmers who grows cotton and vegetables because that is not a easy job and if it wasn't for them and their chain of business the customers/people wont be having any vegetables or clothes. Miller just talked about beef throughout the whole essay and she did point out some good reasons to thank their chain of business but if she really did want to get a good message out to a bigger newspaper and more people instead of just a meat magazine she could have added about the other farmers and their chain and the struggles that they go to.

#3 She wants people to not only think farmers but to thank everyone in the chain of business and for people such as salesman business owners to thank their customers. She wants people to understand that it is a chain that they go though and its not a easy process. "But the reality is as well without the pen rider, the vet, the packer, the line worker, the truck driver, the salesman, the marketer, the grocer---we would cease to exist as well. Cattlemen are a link in the chain, and some of us can argue that we are the endangered species in the ecosystem." (Miller's statement.")

#4 In this generation that I live in there are a lot of problems. People has lost respect, value to things and people, they have become lazy and technology and social media has become a huge problem. Most people doesn't want to work now or go to college/school because of technology they rather stay at home on social media or play video games or if they are working or in class they get caught on their phone. Most people doesn't value their loved ones they rather cheat and think that they wont get caught. Most people now and days doesn't even value themselves by the way they act, dress and put their selves out there. people usually calls people lame and boring now because they don't drink or party. kids are cussing now, people rather fight than to talk things out, there are more shooting, more bullying, more violence. This generation also has a lot of depressed people because they get judged for who they really are and not accepted.


For Miller to state that she will “not be thanking a farmer” is an opinion of her own and everybody is entitled to their own opinion.I feel though that she is not thinking of all the reasons as to why she should be thanking a farmer.As stated above she does point out a few positives but not nearly enough.What she takes into the consideration is the amount of people it takes,and what she doesn’t take into consideration though is the labor,time,and money that these people use.While there are a lot of people to help it doesn’t add to the fact that she also isn’t thinking about other farmers.I agree on this point because beef is not the only thing humans live off of.People need to not forget about crop farmers and other animal farmers who contribute to us being able to live everyday.

Grady Meeks

Kate Miller states that the sign she saw in the restaurant changed her perspective of her line of work.The sign made her realize that as a rancher, it's not always about getting thanked for your work, it's about being thankful that you have the opportunity to work and make a living because of all the consumers and everyone that supports your business. This new perspective is unpopular with people in her line of work, however Miller helps draw them back when she states, "But at the end of the day - without the consumer - none of that matters." If Miller had this article posted on another magazine site she would have to explain more of the job specific words and phrases, like "USDA" and "brisket". Although many people know what these means, many people also may not. Millers reason for answering her "so what?" question is to show that it truly matter and that without the consumers, they would be nothing in her line of work. This is shown through, "We need to thank them for the work they do that makes our livelihood possible." I play baseball. Often in baseball, someone will let something, like a strikeout for example, get to their head and ruin their attitude during the game. There attitude could change and they could not cheer on the rest of their teammates, which then affects the players teammates, not just themselves. Everyone is guilty of this at some point, even me. I think that players need to work on keeping their spirit up after something bad happens to help keep their team up even though they might personally be struggling.

Blake Ringer

The main argument that Miller creates in the article is centralized around the idea of thanking the customer for their service to their establishment. Miller is showing a third-generation cattle farmer and when she went to a local Mexican restaurant where there was a sign thanking the customer for their business. Miller is arguing against the farming community for demanding thanks for their service to the community. This is centralized around the idea that one should be thankful for the service of those who use their products. Miller is encouraging others to promote this ideology over social media with thanking the customer more than promoting their own works.
I believe that the author’s argument is a valuable one that states that those who have goods or services to offer to others. I do agree with Miller in the argument that she made around thanking everyone up the assembly line where people should be thankful for what they do. We need to be grateful for everyone’s participation in the process

Olivia Spencer

In the article “I Will Not Thank a Farmer,” the author Kate Miller is arguing that farmers should not seek for others appreciation, but rather thank others for doing business with them and making their products have value. She makes a point that other professions such as veterinarians, doctors, and meat cutters work just as hard as farmers and they never ask for their customers to thank them. As a farmer herself, Miller argues that it is ridiculous that farmers view themselves as more important than other professions. She states that without distributors and buyers to place value on the products farmers make, they would “cease to exist”. Miller urges farmers to start thanking their workers and, more importantly, their customers. She states that if farmers begin to do this then maybe they will receive the appreciation they want in return.
I disagree with Millers view that farmers should stop asking to be thanked for their hard work. Although I do think that farmers should be grateful for their customers, I think that farmers are a staple to our everyday lives and deserve more appreciation. I agree that other professions such as veterinarians and meat cutters deserve to be thanked, but I also believe that farmers work harder than most professions and are most deserving of appreciation. Farmers products have tremendous value whether anyone buys them or not because they are necessary products that we use for our everyday survival.

John Singletary

Kate starts off with establishing report as she is a rancher and beef producer herself she is also a protein marketer. This is her job so she deals with this daily meaning she has an more inept look at what is going on and how to better respond.Miller points out that she is with a chain of business with other people and if it wasn't for those people that she wouldn't be successful with her job. She also talks about the rapore built between her and a customer that makes them come back and buy her product creating her job. She lets the audience know right off the back it isn't just the farmer you should thank if you ask someone but a group of people. She point out other people as well that makes her job possible such as veterinarians, doctors, and meat cutters.Miller would probably have to realize and change some of her diction as where she posted her argument much of the audience was probably related to or knew the people she was talking about.She also just talks about meat products which is what ranchers work on not specifically farmers they work more on fruits and vegetables such as corn apples and rice in which they are mostly responsible for.Miller wants people to not only think about farmers but about everyone in the business and for people such as salesman business owners to thank their customers. She wants people to understand that it is a chain that they go though and its not a easy process. "... the reality is as well without the pen rider, the vet, the packer, the line worker, the truck driver, the salesman, the marketer, the grocer---we would cease to exist as well. Cattlemen are a link in the chain, and some of us can argue that we are the endangered species in the ecosystem." What miller states in her article and what she believes.I personally have criticism for millennials like myself.We are much more relaxed and value little. We dont care for much and many think everything should work for them. They dont want to work but want money ,no one wants to study but wants a 100. These are just a few examples of how this recent generation has changed.many things aren't respected anymore the people themselves what they where how they act and much. This generation has changed much and we are mostly consumers instead of producers prey instead of predators unlike the original Americans.

Marie Truitt

In Kate Miller’s article, “I Will Not Thank a Farmer” Miller explains that people often demand thanks rather than seeing if maybe they should be giving thanks. A business interaction may require thanks on both sides. The farmer is very important, but being so vital in society has seemed to lead to a sense of superiority, according to Miller. Miller believes that instead of demanding thanks, the farmer should consider thanking the otherside for doing, or even considering doing business with them. I agree with this, as business is a two way street. Each side is making sacrifices, accommodations, and both are giving something that would elicit thanks.
1 Miller uses the fact that she is also a farmer to establish the connection with her readers. The fact that she chooses to defend the side that she is not a part of creates a sense of truth. Whether she is right or not, she is choosing actively to oppose her own side, which makes it clear that she believes very strongly what she is preaching. A confident person can sell anything. She uses words such as “We” to refer to the farmers, and then establishes that the farmers are the “bad guys”. In the fifth passage of the article, she does this heavily, referring to the farmers as “we”.
2 In order for Miller to have reached a broader audience, she would have had to broaden her spectrum. She speaks heavily and almost explicitly about meat producers. It’s the point of her article, but because of that, the intended audience is meat producers, so it was only published to meat producers. For example, an article about recent years crop success would likely only be published to a paper that is exclusive for crop farmers.
3 Miller thoroughly explains why thanking somebody who chooses to do business with you matters. She gives specific examples of different examples, as in, if you have to thank this person, why not also have to thank this one? She explains that thanking the customer is important, as they are the ones deciding to serve the beef in their establishment, which is something they do not have to do. On the other hand, the beef suppliers are doing it because it is their job.
4 I have complaints about the people in my household. There is a certain person in my household who seems to have the idea that the house revolves around them. Although I have a deep love for this person, as they are family, there was an instance where they slept for two days straight. During this time, they had not helped with any household chores. On the other hand, they often say that I do not help out much. While I’ll admit I don’t do as much as I could, neither do they.

Trump 2020

I think kids should just eat the food their family cooks for them.

Christine Ross

First of all I can’t stand any kind of article that promotes eating meat.
Farmers are very important. As a California resident, I am exposed to aloe of “green” lifestyle choices. I think we need to support plant farmers. Thank the farmers who create produce and products that help us live healthier lives. Cow farmers don’t care about us. I’m not thanking them for anything. Thank them for what? Using up all of our resources? Helping Cali to continue to have a drought problem.

Support the farmers and thank them yes!

ashlen b

As a farmer and rancher herself, Kate Miller is not unaware of the agricultural world. The audience of her writing is more directed to other armers themselves, and how they shouldn't demand thanks in return for their hard work. They too, should thank the community around them, in fact, everyone who comes into contact with their produce. Before she dives in to her argument, Miller gives a quick disclaimer that yes, a farmers job isn't the prettiest, and they do encounter possible harm on a day to day basis, but so do doctors, and oil derricks. She then lists off a number of people who could possibly come into contact with a farms' produce and how farmer should be thanking those people too. I myself have never grown up on a farm, but I have worked with cutting and burning tobacco, and it's not easy work. It's not like being on a cattle ranch or growing produce, but someone's gotta do it and it's hard work. To put myself in the shoes of Miller, I agree with her statement that most farmers aren't getting the "bigger picture," and that they should acknowledge those who buy the products in order to give the businesses a chance to exist.

Thomas Howard

Kate Miller seems to have reached this conclusion. That conclusion being, we farmers and ranchers across this great nation either want her thanks or rally for her approval of what we do as farmers and ranchers.The fact is she is simply mistaken in her assumptions. Nothing could be further from the truth, at least as far as I'm concerned anyway. I speak for myself and all those share my opinion on this issue.

Scot Benson

"Thank you" Kate Miller!!

Chloe Nguyen

In the text: "I will not thank a farmer," Kate Miller gave her perspective on the issue of not saying thank you to farmers. In her view, other professions, such as doctors and engineers, need to be thanked, and the farming industry should not be. It makes no sense, she says, that farmers also need to be thankful when they only serve ingredients to the shops. She did not overestimate this unreasonable request of the farmers.
In my opinion, I disagree entirely with her thinking. There is no noble profession, only noble people in the job. Each discipline occupies a significant position in society. They all support each other to build a complete culture. When a person works to pay for the expenses of maintaining daily living activities, supporting a family, or nurturing other individuals, that person is doing noble work. Therefore, it is imperative that we feel grateful for the meals that the farmers help us to make the ingredients. We should send it to the person who made the dish, including farmers, fishers, traders, transporters, cooks, and waiters. Only with such people can fresh ingredients form a complete word. I don't think her view is justified, even if she has provided the entire explanation that without suppliers and purchasers to impose value on the products that farmers manufacture, they will "no longer exist." Miller believes that farmers should begin appreciating their employees and, more crucially, their clients. She believes that if farmers start doing this, they will receive their deserved recognition. However, the farmers all worked very hard, and everyone had to pay the price for the fruits of their labor. Above all, we should be grateful and say thank you for the meals they have contributed to us. Finally, to sum up, no matter what industry or product value, these people should be thanked and grateful for their achievements.

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