You and your parents sit down at a restaurant, and the server turns out to be your professor. It could be awkward. It could be embarrassing. And it could also lead to some serious thinking and questioning about our attitudes toward different kinds of jobs. Brittany Bronson is a college instructor, waitress, and contributor to the New York Times, where this article was published in December 2014.
Read it here: Bronson, "Your waitress, your professor”
- At the beginning of her essay, Bronson gives the impression that she is embarrassed by her job as a waitress and feels somewhat ashamed to be found out. As the essay develops, a different impression emerges. Where and how in her essay does Bronson make the shift? Point to specific passages to support your response.
- As a personal reflection, Bronson’s essay does not respond directly to any other author or authors; still, there is a substantial amount of They Say in her essay. What is it? What form does it take? How does she respond to it?
- Bronson concedes that the blue-collar, non-college- educated people with whom she works “are some of the kindest, hardest-working people I know…and I find it difficult to tell my students to avoid being like them.” Still, she is not arguing that higher education is not worthwhile. What, exactly, is she arguing? Do you agree? Why or why not?
- How might you feel if you went to a restaurant with your parents and your server turned out to be one of your teachers? Would you have more respect for the teacher? Less? Why? Would you treat the server more respectfully? Less? Why? Write an essay addressing all of these questions; finally, discuss your internal process of reconciling the dual roles of the teacher/server with whom you interact.
This is a great topic for conversation with students. I think, initially, a student might see the teacher in a different light, since teaching is a "profession" and the student is in training to enter a profession. Finding out that the profession that's being modelled is not one that supports an adult lifestyle or family can be disillusioning. In the student's shoes, I might be more respectful, knowing that the teacher is working hard to help students (especially if that teacher spends time outside of the classroom working with students). I might also begin to question my own career path and investigate salary, benefits, and security options.
Posted by: Carol Sponagle | 01/05/2015 at 11:27 AM
If I went to a restaurant and I saw my teacher was the server, I would first think to myself "Is that my teacher?" Then I would tell myself and my parents that she is just doing this on the side to help her family and stay stable most likely, but I don't like to assume things I don't know. I also would't assume that she is broke and trying to find a way to survive. I would still have full respect for her, and talk to her like I would talk to her in class. Eventually I would have more respect for her, for juggling two jobs together and doing her best to wake up early to come teach her students without showing that she hates what she is doing.
Posted by: Pierre Francois | 01/14/2015 at 12:12 PM
1) Bronson gives off the impression that she is embarrassed by her job as a waitress, but story goes on you can see that her opinion is changing. We can feel this change in paragraph nine, when she says that being a blue-collar worker doesn’t mean it is an inferior work. 2) She is talking in first person all the time, and she’s telling her own experience and feelings about how to work as a waitress. 3) She is arguing the fact of being a waitress doesn’t mean they are inferior to the rest of the socially best-looking works. That being a hard-worker or kind person doesn’t depend on if they have graduated or not. I completely agree with the writer, you don’t have to judge people for the kind of work they are doing. 4) If I went to a restaurant with my parents and my server turned out to be one of my teachers I would be shocked. I would never relate my teacher with a waitress. After that I would probably try to think of the reasons as to why she needs to work extra hours as a waitress. I would think she does it because she needs that money, and I would be sorry for her, because I know that is not her fault, that the problem is the society where we live, where teachers have to work extra hours as a waitress to be able to survive. I would feel more respect to her because I would understand all the effort she is doing to be able to achieve her dreams while handling two jobs at the same time.
Posted by: Antonio Marti Polo | 01/15/2015 at 04:11 PM
Working two jobs shows that Bronson is a hard worker, however she is initially embarrassed because she cannot make a living off of one salary. Further into her essay, she seems to change her thoughts on her situation. In paragraph ten, Bronson begins to look at things in a different way. She starts defending herself, as well as her co-workers. Bronson says that none of them are failures. In addition, she refers to her co-workers as "some of the hardest-working people she knows." In her essay, Bronson is telling her audience about her experience in the work force. She tells us about working two jobs, which might make people give her credit for her hard work. Her essay argues that people that don't make large amounts of money are not inferior to others that do have a big salary. I do agree with her argument. No person should be judged on the amount of money they make. What matters in the end is what makes a person happy. If I saw one of my teachers at a restaurant, I might feel a little awkward at first because I would not expect to see him or her there. However, seeing my teacher as a server would make me realize how hard he or she has to work. I would most likely respect my teacher even more, because I respect people that work hard. Honestly, I would be nicer to my teacher/server because I know how much hard work he or she has to do to make a living. To be extra nice, I might leave a better tip than I normally would.
Posted by: Patrick Kelly | 01/15/2015 at 07:33 PM
1) Bronson is embarrassed when she first talks about being a waitress, she is able to feel less embarrassed about having this blue-collared job as she talks about it more. In the fifth paragraph she talks about how many jobs like waitressing have better pay with fewer hours than entry level jobs that desire a degree. Later on she also mentions how her co-workers at her blue-collared job have many other talents and are also working for the extra money because their main job doesn't bring in enough money. 2)They, the students and their parents, that see their teacher waitressing and Bronson seems to think that they immediately think how awful it is that their student is getting taught by a waitress. Bronson seems to make it out to be a terrible situation; then by the end of the article seems to make it seem like it is perfectly fine as long as you have a bigger long term goal set for yourself. 3) She is arguing that although working a blue-collar job, such as waitressing, isn't a bad thing, it also shouldn't be the job you want to keep for the rest of your life. You need to work towards a bigger goal, and just use your blue-collar job as a way to help you get to your bigger plan. 4)If I were to see one of my teachers serving food at a diner or restaurant I would have more respect for them. Not only do they take time out of their daily lives to teach students but they are also working another job to pull in some extra money. They are doing all they can as a parent/spouse to make sure that they have enough to sustain their family and that definitely deserves respect. If my teacher was waiting on me I would defiantly not be disrespectful because of how hard they work, plus they are my teacher so I shouldn't be rude to them regardless of what else they do.
Posted by: Joella Vermeire | 01/15/2015 at 09:17 PM
1)As the essay progresses, you can see Bronson going from embarrassed to okay with having a survival job. You see a difference in opinion in paragraph 10, where she starts to explain the talents of some of her co-works, and what they able to have. She realizes that these people are intelligent in their own ways, and have accomplished just as much as the white-collar workers.2)The They Say that comes from the essay comes from Bronson's thoughts and what her colleagues have said. What her colleagues would say, is that food and beverage, retail, and customer service are all "survival jobs". That they will not give someone economic security that white-collar careers can offer, and that those jobs are for the people that are not intelligent/ drop outs. The way she response to what They Say is by telling them how they are wrong about those people. She goes on to tell us how some of her co-workers are waitresses, so that they will not have as much, or at all, debt after college. That some have homes and a family that they can provide for, and that many have a bachelor's degree.3)I think that she is arguing that a blue-collar job is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. That you can live comfortably if invest right. I would have to agree to an extent with Bronson. There is nothing to be ashamed in waiting tables if that is what you love to do, for not everything in the world is about money. If you do not mind the hard work that comes with these types of jobs, I say go for it. But I think that the work, over time, will become to much, and that you would have to find a more stable job in the future. 4)If I were to have my teacher as a waitress, I would think it would be a little awkward at first. But just because they have a second job, I wouldn't think anything less of them. They are just doing what the have to do to support their life style. I would have more respect for them, for they went out and did what they have to do. I would also treat them with the same respect that I do in their classroom, for you still have to see them on almost of a daily basis.
Posted by: Meghan Mooney | 01/15/2015 at 10:13 PM
1)At the beginning of the article, Bronson, was embarrassed about her second job of being a waitress. Throughout the story she spoke less of embarrassment and transitioned to how much she liked to be a waitress. In paragraph nine, she talks about how society has made a "blue-collar job" an inferior and they cannot obtain anything better like an education, which is not always true. In paragraph ten, she argues against society's opinion. She talks about how all here restaurant co-workers success and her own. 2) The "they say" in this story is Bronson's student from class and her parents. When Bronson saw her student and her parents, she thought that they were criticizing her as being a waitress. She thought that the parents were questioning "My daughter is being taught by a waitress and we are paying her?" At first she thought the situation was horrible and embarrassing, but by the end she didn't think it was a big of a deal for her because she has set goals for herself. 3)She is arguing that it is not a horrible thing working as a waitress or any other job that doesn't require higher education, but people should set goals for themselves to reach higher success rather than staying at a blue-collared job. I agree with Bronson because no one should criticize others for the job they have. 4)If I were to see my teacher work at a restaurant or any other job, I would have twice the respect for them. Teachers take a lot of time and dedication to teach their students the material they need to know, not only that but they spend hours after class helping students who need the extra help or they stay after to grade papers, and so forth. They are only trying to meet "ends meet" even if it is working a second job else where. I would understand her situation because not everyone has it easy, so I would be more respectful at the restaurant and in class.
Posted by: Esthela Ramirez | 01/15/2015 at 10:43 PM
1)Bronson, at the beginning of the essay, appears and states that she is embarrassed at the fact that she is having to serve a current student in a restaurant that she works in. As I read further into the essay, in paragraph ten to be exact, I found out that, after considering some facts, Bronson experiences a change in heart. Bronson begins to explain of all the success that has occurred in her co-workers lives. She explains that they are not the least bit of failures as well. 2) The "They say" in this essay refers to what the people may think of her. According to Bronson, there will be a negative form on this topic, because parents and students will question her authority. She responds by thinking about it and putting her thought in writing throughout this essay. In the end, she is proud of herself and all of the people she works with, for she thinks that there is no way anyone should be ashamed of their work. 3) Bronson is arguing about the work ethic of people in their jobs and that, no matter the job, education does not have anything to do with it. I agree with her completely. Sometimes the hardest workers in a society are the ones that are left with nothing. Education should not determine if you are a hard worker or not. Some of the big people in our world today that have master degrees still have to work another job in order to provide for their family. 4)If I was at a restaurant in which my server was a current teacher, I be completely caught off guard. I would be thinking hard for several minutes afterwards about why he or she is working wherever it is that I'm at. I would look at and think of reasons as to why they are working their. Obviously, the reasons would be necessary for, if they weren't, my teacher wouldn't be working there. I would definitely develop a greater respect for my teacher, because I can see just how hard they have to work in order to make ends meet. Honestly, I would not only treat him or her with more respect, but also the servers of other restaurants that I attend.
Posted by: Kevin Zanger | 01/15/2015 at 11:57 PM
1.Bronson is obviously torn between what she tells her students and what she knows to be true. However, she makes the shift between being embarrassed about her second job and realizing that she’s just doing what she needs to do somewhere in the middle of her article. When talking about needing a “real teaching job,” Bronson says “this path takes time,” and comes to terms, realizing there’s nothing wrong with what she’s doing.
2.Judging by the way Bronson talks about her struggles and the current education system, there is definitely a large amount of “they say” in her essay. She is responding to the seemingly universal belief that one must have a college degree to make it in the world, which is obviously just not true, especially in Las Vegas.
3.She is arguing that someone can be a hard-working individual and a good person without a college degree. She’s trying to show that it’s okay to forego a degree because you can still be a good person and make a decent wage. I agree with her, because a diploma is not a certificate meant to demonstrate one’s ability to be a good person.
4.If I saw my teacher as a server at a restaurant, I would not judge them whatsoever. I would not feel bad for them because I don’t know their particular situation. Just because they are working a second job doesn't mean they don’t make enough money as a teacher. Maybe they do but they just want more. It is not my place to think anything of it.
Posted by: Nick Smith | 01/16/2015 at 12:20 AM
1. Bronson is in between a rock and a hard place, forcing her to work two jobs to make ends meet. She feels embarrassed about having the second job as a waitress until she states that it pays nearly three times the amount that the teaching job does.
2. She believed that "they" being students and their families would judge her differently based by the job she held at the restaurant, but came to realize that no one should be ashamed of the work they do if they enjoy it.
3. She isn't telling her students to not be like the people she works with but she is telling them to pursue a higher education to improve their chances of attaining a better job that could pay better.
4. If I had a teacher serve me at a restaurant, I wouldn't view them any differently, the job or jobs that someone has doesn't effect the way I look at them. I would probably have more respect because they are doing more to make ends meet. I couldn't lose respect for someone that works their but off at two different jobs when others are only working one.
Posted by: Tyler Brown | 01/16/2015 at 08:43 AM
1) Bronson is embarrassed in the beginning of the story about have a blue-collar job. She tells her students one thing, but don't want them to know she has a second job. She starts to realize that it's ok to have that job towards the end.
2) This article is mostly all "they say". Most college teachers tell you get higher jobs and make more money. In all reality its hard to get a high job right after college. No one should be ashamed by where they work, money is money.
3) Bronson is arguing that even though they have a blue-collar job they are probably one of the kindness and smartest people around. people are quick to think different just because where they work. You don't have to go to college and have a degree to be smart. There is other ways to learn than just a university.
4) If I saw my teacher as a waitress I would be shocked at first, but I would never judge him or her. Its not my place to judge a person by where they work or who they are. I don't know there life story. Most people just want to make extra money sometimes.
Posted by: Dakota Follis | 01/16/2015 at 10:22 AM
1. At first Bronson is embarrassed that she has the blue collared job of being a server. but, as the essay continues she states that her co-workers at her blue collared job are some of the hardest working people she has ever met, and none of them are failures. In about the eight through the eleventh paragraph she realizes that there should be no shame in being a server.
2. The "They Say" in Bronson's essay would be what other people think or say. Such as the parents could be thinking "This server teaches my child". also her own colleague in her department labeled blue collared jobs as "survival jobs", that do not give economic security. The "They Say" comes in a negative and judging form. Bronson responds by realizing that she is a hard worker and that she is making the correct choice to work more.
3. Bronson is arguing that if you do not have a passion to continue to learn or receive a higher education, then there is nothing wrong with being like those people that work blue collared jobs. I agree with her, because you have to do what you want in life and if learning and going to school is not for you there is nothing wrong with working hard and being a good person.
4. I would be surprised if I saw one of my teachers working as a server. I try to treat everyone with respect. Also I would gain respect for them and understand that they are just trying to make it in this world.
Posted by: Nolan Aherin | 01/16/2015 at 10:25 AM
1)in paragraph 5 she proves a point by saying that in waitressing you get more money in just a a few hours where as in teaching is an all day job that makes less money. 2) the "they say " is from the students and their parents that visit the restaurant that she works part time at , as she observes their behavior towards her. she feels a negative intake on a teacher being a server as well but then she realizes she has to do what she has to in order to make it in this world so who cares what people think, its not like they have to pay her bills ... right ? 3)Bronson is arguing that as long as you have a higher goal than working at a " survival job the rest of your life then its really not that big of a deal if you have one just to get you by until then. 4) If I saw my teacher as my waitress I would treat her with the same respect that I give everyone else ! I would actually give them props , they already have so much to do with being a teacher and taking on a second job already isn't easy for anybody let alone a teacher that constantly has something to grade !I would probably give him or her a really good tip
Posted by: Kieara Lockhart | 01/16/2015 at 02:31 PM
In Brittany Bronson's article "Your Waitress, Your Professor," Bronson seeks to destroy the "artificial, inaccurate division society places between blue collar and 'intelligent' work." Beginning her article with the impression that she may be embarrassed or ashamed with her second job as a server, Bronson explains that "embarrassment is not an adequate term to describe what I felt when those parents looked at me, completely stupefied, thinking 'this waitress teaches my child?'" The shame that she shares with many other blue collar workers is not uncommon and she explains that "the switch from [her] professional attire to a white shirt, black apron and tie reflected the separation [she] attempted to maintain between her two jobs." However, throughout her article her attitude changes towards survival jobs and she explains in paragraph 9 that being a blue collar worker does not mean it is inferior work. In addition, she refers to her co-workers as "some of the kindest and hardest working people she knows" and continues to acknowledge that "none of them are failures". Bronson brings to light the common misconception that if you serve others, you are beneath them and are automatically labeled. When in reality, you should be labeled a hard worker and acknowledged for the time and effort you have put in to succeed in this crazy, unjust world. Although Bronson has a difficult time conveying to her students that in cities like Las Vegas, you will generate more cash working customer service then entry level jobs, she is a prime example that it takes much more than just a college degree to get the career you want. You have to work for it, whether it's getting a second job to afford more schooling or completing residency, it takes time and dedication. Throughout her article, Bronson demonstrates a substantial amount of "they say". She represents it in many forms and she responds to it intelligently, assertively and respectfully. If I saw one of my teachers at a restaurant, as my server, I would have the utmost respect for them. I don't even care if I know why they have a second job, the fact that they are using their free time to work more shows that they are hardworking and I respect those who work for what they have. Reading this article opens your eyes to the reality of life after high school/college and I think that the message she is trying to send is extremely important for those who think they are guaranteed a job after college.
Posted by: Miranda Lippolt | 01/16/2015 at 08:44 PM
1-At the beginning of the paragraph, she seems embarrassed to be working as a waitress, when really it was her decision to work as a waitress in the first place. When she is actually just trying to survive and make a living.
2-She is speaking in first person and telling us her experience and also how other people view her, especially knowing she's a college professor.
3-she is arguing that, if you have a higher education and graduate college, then you shouldn't worry about what others have to say about you, because what they think wont make a difference n your life anyway.
4-If I went to a restaurant and I saw my teacher was the server, I would first think to myself "Is that my teacher?" Then I would tell myself and my parents that she is just doing this on the side to help her family and stay stable most likely, but I don't like to assume things I don't know. I also would't assume that she is broke and trying to find a way to survive. I would still have full respect for her, and talk to her like I would talk to her in class. Eventually I would have more respect for her, for juggling two jobs together and doing her best to wake up early to come teach her students without showing that she hates what she is doing.
Posted by: Pierre Francois | 01/20/2015 at 10:59 AM
Bronson emotes shame facing her students as a waiter, but this impression leaves when she says "But not all my restaurant co-workers are college dropouts, and none are failures" (Bronson). She went on to list their achievements without degrees and how their income rivals that of white-collar jobs. This is a dramatic shift in tone because she no longer explains why she feels embarrassment but instead defends her position logically and not at all unprofitable. It is after this transition that her goal of changing her student's perspectives on blue-collar work becomes abundantly clear. She hopes that she can convince others that laborers can be just as critical of the world around them as white-collars (Bronson).
Posted by: Alexander Keltz | 02/01/2015 at 01:47 PM
1). Brittany Bronson is quite embarrassed with how her students see her as a waitress, because she may feel torn between teaching her class a higher level subject, but then after teaching going to a blue collar workplace. Bronson says that,"[she] [finds] it difficult to tell my students to avoid being like them". She doesn't want to let her students see her like this, but towards the end of her article she rethinks telling her students so that they will not look down upon a blue collar job.
Posted by: Reuben R. | 02/01/2015 at 02:39 PM
Blue collar, white collar: Brittany Bronson on teaching and waitressing
Your Waitress, Your Professor
1. Paragraph 9 & 10 is where I see that Brittany Bronson begins to make the shift. Here she talks of a shame herself and many of her blue-collar colleagues share. A belief that society deems their work inferior. Brittany states, “But not all my restaurant co-workers are college dropouts, and none are failures.”
2. The They Say quotes come from Brittany Bronson speaking about difficult guests, drunken tourists, being hit on, of parents who their child/student informs them is being served by his professor, and collegiate, as well as, blue-collar colleagues. At the beginning of the article it appears to be an annoyance to Brittany but by the finish it is apparent to be no bother because she understands the need for the additional job for her own economic reasons.
3. That even though the blue-collar “survival” jobs are service oriented and non-college degree required they can sometimes, especially in Las Vegas, offer a better pay than those who graduate and begin entry-level, office dwelling, degree-requiring jobs.
4. Would feel fine if I discovered my waitress turned out to be my professor and, as with another waitress, show the respect deserving of an individual who works a service position giving appropriate service. I will tip a little more than required probably if the service is worthy because I understand the need for a second job to help get by. To reconcile the dual roles of the teacher/server is easy to, as long as, one remembers that while in the classroom the teacher is the subject matter expert and only a person attempting to make a decent wage in the other service related job.
Posted by: Brian S. Fairchild | 02/01/2015 at 05:26 PM
When looking at Mrs. Bronson in two completely different scopes and professions one while she is teaching her students a College professor at the University of Nevada and another while she is severing her students and their parents as a server. If I ever encountered one of my professors as both my professor and my waitress I believe that I would have more respect due to my perception of their work ethic and the content of their character due to my belief that it tastes a lot of character to be both seen superior and inferior in regards to your line of the same day by the same or completely different people. I also believe that I would treat the server with more respect knowing that even thought my term paper and all of my assignments had already been graded; he/she still might have to grade and or prepare for their next lecture or grade the next set of papers likewise in the classroom because they might have another tiresome job ahead of them. After much contemplation it led me to ponder what I will do In the future when I see a blue or white collar worker and what he/she is going might do after they leave their place of work ether another job or their future to come.
Posted by: fletcher coard | 02/01/2015 at 07:27 PM
If I went to a restaurant with my parents and my server turned out to be one of my teachers I don't think I would feel much of anything. It is their personal life and their job and it is not my place to make judgments on that. I would definitely have more respect for the teacher; balancing work, teaching, grading papers, and making lesson plans is definitely a feat for one person. I would admire the fact that they is willing to work two jobs to support themselves. Additionally, I would gain respect for them because of how determined they were to overcome whatever was causing them to work two jobs. I would treat the server with the same amount of respect as always, as long as it is justified. I would treat them with the same amount of respect as they treated me. My internal process of reconciling the dual roles of the teacher/server with whom I react would be simple; they are human too and they are doing what they can to stay on their feet. They are still the same person, so it wouldn't matter much to me.
Posted by: Alayna Smith | 02/02/2015 at 01:40 AM
At the beginning of the passage Bronson is ashamed of her students seeing her working as a waitress and believes that "embarrassment is not an adequate term to describe what I felt when parents looked at me". Then in paragraph 9, you can see a change in her opinions and feelings more towards believing that she is proud of working hard and is not embarrassed to be working multiple jobs. Bronson also argues throughout the passage that society has made "blue-collar jobs" and inferior, thinking you can not obtain anything better than just a high school education. When in all reality you are just working towards a higher goal in life. My personal opinions towards teachers working another job like waitressing is that of respect. For them to be able to teach us students thoughout the day then in their free time work in another job field is inspiring. If I went to dinner with my family and seen my teacher as a server, I would not disrespect them , there is a reason on why they are working a second job. Whether it is them trying to make ends meet or just because they enjoy working, it is none of my business but I will respect them for doing that.
Posted by: Kailey Brooks | 02/02/2015 at 10:39 AM
This article is great because it show that its important to have good work ethics that even if you cant finish college there are ways to survive. That one should be prepared for the real world that comes after graduating college that just because you have a degree dose not mean you will find a high paying job right off the bat. That you may find your self working a blue collar job just to survive, that there is no shame in any work that you do.
Posted by: Matthew Ramirez | 02/02/2015 at 10:43 AM
I personally do not feel as if it would be awkward and definitely not embarrassing. I myself am in the service industry and have been for 20+ years. I know first hand how much money can be made as well as how much fun it can be. I have also worked with many teachers who work in the industry to supplement their income. For that, I applaud them. I have met a ton of people that have degrees of all kinds that have chose to go back into serving and bartending. Not just for the money either, but also because that is what they love to do. Once you have worked in this industry, and are truly great at it there is nothing more thrilling than being so slammed you don't know which way is up! Let's not forget the thrill of counting those tips at the end of your shift. Once you posses this unique quality, it is tough to walk away from.
Posted by: Cynthia Conn | 02/02/2015 at 11:51 AM
1.initially it seems as though Bronson is embarrassed about her waitressing job and having to serve her students. Then she makes it evident that she is not in paragraph seven where she writes "It is a shame I share with many of my blue-collar colleagues, a belief that society deems our work inferior that we have settled on or chosen these paths because we do not have the skills necessary to acquire something better."
2. Bronson is speaking in first person throughout her essay but incorporates "they say" by telling the reader what both her blue-collar and white-collar colleagues say. i would also consider her statistics about students "they say".
3. Bronson is not arguing against blue-collar jobs nor is she arguing against the usefulness of a college degree, she is simply saying that in these economic time white-collar jobs aren't always best and that just because someone works a blue-collar job doesn't mean they are less intelligent or inferior to someone who works a white-collar job.
4. Honestly if i walked into a restaurant and my waitress turned out to be my college professor I would be surprised, but I wouldn't respect her/him any less. Times are hard economically and you have to do what you have to do.
Posted by: Kalysha Wright | 02/02/2015 at 10:02 PM
This article is important for students to read. I myself have experienced this awkward interaction between a student and a teacher running into each other at the teachers second job. At first it is kind of surprising because this person is teaching you and also, in my case, working at walmart in the electronics section. I didn't know what ti think at first. I didn't feel sorry for him or think any less him. I respected him even more because he was doing the best he can to make ends meet and thats all anyone really wants to do.
Posted by: J.R. | 02/04/2015 at 10:14 AM