Online courses are a topic of hot debate, with schools large and small, public and private, hurrying to develop programs and establish themselves in this new educational frontier. Are they moving in the right directions? Are they making decisions that take student needs into consideration? This New York Times editorial published in February 2013 begins to address these questions.
Read it here: New York Times, "The Trouble with Online College"
- The New York Times editors are not totally opposed to online courses, but they make some specific criticisms. What are their specific criticisms, and what main argument do they add up to? Do you agree? Why or why not?
- The editorial cites a survey which found that community college students who took more online courses often failed to transfer to four-year schools or complete a degree. “The reasons for such failures are well known,” writes the Times. Are they, indeed, well known? What assumption do the editors hope the readers will make? Given that newspaper editorials are of very limited length, is the assertion adequate or should the editorial have given more evidence? Why or why not? Explain your reasoning.
- Read Liz Addison’s 2007 essay in Chapter 14 of your text. She doesn’t mention online courses, since they hadn’t yet become a topic of high interest and debate. How might Addison respond to the many new online opportunities for students? How might she respond to the New York Times editorial? Present examples from both essays to support your conclusions.
- Imagine that your school is developing a program of online courses and is soliciting input from students. Based on your own experience and the experience of your friends and classmates, what recommendations would you make to the administration of your school with respect to how such classes should be offered and administered? Write an letter to the development committee in which you address the following questions and any others that you feel are relevant: Should your school adopt the Times’ recommendation to “consider requiring at least some students to demonstrate success in traditional classes before allowing them to take online courses”? Are there any subjects or courses that should not be offered online? Should students be required to demonstrate a certain level of reading or math skills before being allowed to take online classes? Provide evidence to support your recommendations.
Research has concluded in an article from the New York Times that students enrolling in online courses in community colleges are more likely to withdraw or fail than those students enrolled in traditional classes attending typical face-to-face instruction. An online course is effective for students who are motivated, structured and can deal with time responsibility, but that is not necessarily the driving force for a student to achieve success in an online class. An academic advisor and online contact through chat, texting or discussion boards, along with other online students, along with the instructor, is critical to the success of all students regardless if the student is marginally prepared for the course. An online course is perhaps, difficult to those students who struggle and need the physical existence of the instructor based classroom. Therefore, I agree with the New York Times statement that freshmen and/or students, who struggle academically, should complete some sort of training session before attempting an online course. Unprepared students are set up for failure when attempting classes without a classroom structure or that constant feedback that connects them to the course of study. I believe that students need to demonstrate their ability to successfully complete classes in a traditional learning atmosphere before they are allowed to enroll in online course study. Distractions, work, and general life issues continue to influence a student’s concentration. I do not believe that online courses are poorly designed. Perhaps, the issue rests in the motivation to complete courses, the inability to process the course, lack of interest, or even the lack of prerequisite knowledge of that course that detains the at-risk student to fail or become an unsuccessful student altogether. Personal contact and guidance of the instructor through email, phone conversations, chat, and discussion boards can assist in the interaction and success rates of the student enrolled or the student who wishes to enroll in online study regardless of past academic grades.
Posted by: Nancy Sakurai | 04/30/2013 at 08:35 AM
Many universities and community colleges have seen that offering online courses can be potentially harmful when it comes to student education. Many schools that offer such classes are debating on whether online courses are helpful or harmful to student success. The research studies stated in this New York Times article, talked about how the students, who take a majority of online courses, will less likely be able to earn degrees or transfer to 4-year colleges. This shows a significant issue with colleges offering online classes. But is the issue the online courses or the students who are taking them? In this article, it states that it is more likely the student rather that the course that is making online education unsuccessful. In order to have successful online classes, students need to be dedicated, motivated and successful academically, but not all students are as motivated, creating the current problem with online education. So in order to improve the issue, this article recommends that students need to have had successful completion of traditional classes before enrolling into online courses. By doing this, colleges can ensure an overall greater success when offering online classes.
Overall, I agree that in order to take online classes, a student must first successfully complete a traditional class. I believe that this will improve the success of online courses because students will have the knowledge and experience needed in order to pass a college course. I do believe that online classes are not for every college student, but are very convenient for those students who work and are not able to have the opportunity of taking traditional classes during the day. Because of this, it is very important that students who take such courses are capable of focusing on the subjects being taught as well as having the dedication needed to successfully pass an online course. In addition, I also believe that it is a necessity to have lines of communication to a professor, whether taking online or traditional courses. By having access to a professor, students will be able to ask questions and understand what is being taught, which is necessary when taking college classes.
Posted by: Annie | 05/06/2013 at 08:50 PM
I believe that this New York Times article is well-written and I support the claims the piece is trying to convey. I feel that online education is a great academic alternative for students who cannot get classes on campus and also for students who have a busy schedule outside of school. However, if research shows that online schooling is creating more negative outcomes than positive ones then there is a serious flaw somewhere which needs to be fixed. I would have to say I agree with what the article is saying. I have taken home/online courses before and I have to say that it can get tough. Of course the material seems harder, but this is only because the material is self-taught. After reading the material I had to analyze and come to conclusion on my own. And if I was not able to then I would have to research the topic on my own in order to get the necessary education to complete the assignment. Therefore, I would say that online education is a little tougher than going to an ordinary class. Instead of having a professor guide the student through the learning process, one has to guide themselves. But much of it depends on the student’s efforts rather than the course itself. I agree with the policy mentioned in the article about only enlisting students for online classes if they have shown promise in previous courses. This would help fix the problem of students who are unmotivated and unwilling to work hard in order to receive the true goal in schooling, education and knowledge. Furthermore, if we are looking at the online course system, professors could try to improve course works by including personal videos that are targeted specifically to help facilitate the course and material. Or they can offer designated Q and A methods that could further assist students. After all an online class is only as strong as the material the professor displays. So I believe that there is room for change in the online classes. Another issue that could be causing the bad results is poor communication with the student and professor. This is why I feel that hybrid classes are so productive and can be more effective than a sole online class. The change of the students and course could create a successful combination that has the potential to make online education stronger than it is now. In conclusion, if a student is motivated and is prepared for the challenge of an online course then the experience can be beneficial to them. But if a student lacks self-discipline and motivation then the course could cause discouragement. This is why it is essential to only enforce and entitle students to this privilege if they are serious about their education.
Posted by: Henry Hong | 05/06/2013 at 09:58 PM
In response to Andrea Knab's and Kimi's comments towards Siegler's argument, I agree with them that Siegler's claims are much more complex than he discusses. Siegler argues that phone use during dinner is the new norm, stating, "this is the way the world works now. We're always connected and always on call. And some of us prefer it that way." Siegler's statement only accounts for "some" people who prefer phone use as a social norm, but fails to mention those who do not, and there are many diverse types of individuals, not just parents, who believe in phone-use etiquette.
As Knab and Kimi suggest, checking your phone during dinner depends on the time, the place, and who one is with. Kimi argues, "It all boils down to etiquette. Ultimately, how one chooses to exercise etiquette is up to them... people are going to do what they are going to do. I acknowledge that the world is indeed changing." I, too, agree that it is a changing world and that phone-use in social situations are inevitable, however, to be more engaged with what is on a cell phone screen than with the people one is with, is a little absurd. I believe that phones should be brought out only if necessary or relevant to the current conversation. I, myself, prefer to stay connected and on call, but only to a certain extent. I definitely could do without my phone for a majority of a dinner. I am definitely one of those individuals who like to check-in to places or take pictures of food or inanimate objects, but such pleasures are simple and would not take me more than two minutes to complete such a task. I am more comfortable and accepting of people using their phones at the dinner table especially when out with friends, but it is definitely questionable when out with family. As Knab suggests, if I were out on a date or on a work dinner, I would find it completely inappropriate. Overall, I think it solely depends on who a person is with and what social situation they are in, in order to determine the correct etiquette when using a cell phone.
Posted by: Brianna M. | 05/14/2013 at 09:43 PM
The New York Times article, "The Trouble With Online Courses," claims that online courses are generally ineffective for many students, and those who are enrolled in online courses are more likely to fail or withdraw compared to students who are enrolled in the traditional intimate environment of a classroom. I believe that online courses are excellent alternatives for students who have difficult schedules and are unable to commute to campus. However, I also think students who seek to enroll in an online course should consider the extra responsibilities that online courses come with. For instance, online courses are designed for students who have the motivation and drive to keep up with course work and can manage their time responsibly to complete the course as successfully as they can. For other students, The New York Times article suggests, "schools with high numbers of students needing remedial education should consider requiring at least some students to demonstrate success in traditional classes before allowing them to take online courses." I agree with the article's suggestion to enforce some sort of prerequisite to enroll in online courses in order to determine if a student can succeed on his/her own with very minimal interaction with a professor.
I have taken a couple of online courses before and despite my successes in traditional classes, I still found online courses extremely difficult. Many lessons are self-taught and a lot of time goes into keeping track of assignments, due dates, etc. I also felt that a lot of information is left unexplained in an online course. There is only so much a professor can explain through an email. I agree with blogger, Henry Hong, that there should be an abundance of resources with online courses. Hong mentioned discussion boards, video lessons, question and answer sections, etc. I believe that Hong's suggestion paired with the idea of hybrid courses (online instruction blended with in-class lessons), could have higher success rates with students who choose to take online courses. I believe that student-professor interaction is crucial in a student's motivation for success.
Posted by: Brianna M. | 05/14/2013 at 09:48 PM
The nature of the online course is inherently estranging and hands off, much to the detriment of the student partaking in such a class. Firsthand experience can attest to that. Indeed, where a regular class with face-to-face instruction suffers more when the student is unmotivated or slacking in his or her responsibilities, an online course magnifies the failure of both professor and student due to the lack of communication. For example, if a professor teaching an online course is not strict in enforcing regular updates, discussion with one’s classmates if one has a problem, or does not provide a reliable means of contact, even a student who wants to succeed can become overwhelmed by the structure-less nature of the class. Special training is certainly required, and online courses are perhaps not the best choice for students new to handling the responsibility of their own education. I have to agree with “The Trouble with Online College” on more or less every count; my own personal success with one online course was owed entirely to the organization involved. The professor had a clear syllabus which required regular reading, along with weekly exams and assignments. In turn, his lectures were provided in power point form along with other useful files, and there was a clear and simple forum for use by enrolled students to discuss the material with each other, along with a board specifically for use by the professor for answering questions publicly and making announcements. Despite never seeing any of my classmates or even my professor in person, I was able to learn the material at a regular class pace and achieve high grades without incident. This in contrast to my first foray into online courses, where my professor had no syllabus, no lectures, no method of contacting her outside of an email address that it could take days to receive a response from, and no means of communicating with other students. Combine that utter disorganization with an inexperienced student, and the end result can be nothing but abject failure. If online courses are to truly take off, some serious adjustments to how they are taught are in order first.
Posted by: Nicholas Vasquez | 05/15/2013 at 02:06 AM
I agree with the New York Times article “ The Trouble with Online college”. It gives a great perspective as far as online courses losing that face to face intimacy with a professor and online courses being more difficult. I think this article sheds light on the fact that simply because we have technology, it does not always mean it can be beneficial to everyone, this includes students. The whole point of college is for experience and learning. If all colleges made it mandatory for online courses, I think it would be difficult for many people to stay in school and stick to it. It takes determination, effort and time and many people do not have that which is another reason why it is easier for people to physically be in a class. It forces an individual to take time out of their day to be focused and have less distractions from life at home or work. An online course may give people time to do the school work when they can, but this is less likely to happen because not many people are disciplined when it comes to committing time to class or course work on their own. Sometimes it takes physically going to a class to get into that mindset of learning and wanting to learn. I also agree with the article in the sense that having a face to face learning environment between a student and a professor is more effective than having class through a computer screen because it makes learning a little easier and effective. The individual cold ask questions at that moment in class and having that feedback from a professor physically, can be very effective. According to the article, many people struggle as it is in the simple courses and I believe it would make things easier on the individual if they were to mentally prepare themselves by taking courses physically before taking courses online.
Posted by: Destiny | 05/15/2013 at 02:46 AM
The New York Times piece, “The Trouble With Online College” argues that online courses in colleges are not as effective in educating students; it states that student who enroll in online courses are more likely to fail or withdraw compared to those who enroll in traditional classes that take place in a classroom. I agree with this article and the claims that are made within it as to why students often fail or withdraw when taking these online courses. Losing the face to face interaction with an instructor can be detrimental to whatever confidence the student has about the course. I believe that professors should be better trained as to what activities and assignments should be offered to benefit students taking an online course, but the article mentions that trainings like these are costly. I have learned through my own college experience that online courses are more difficult compared to their traditional counterparts. One of the reasons as to why it is more difficult is because all of the responsibility for the course is placed upon the student. The professor only needs to grade the work that is asked of the student. The students is responsible for completing and understanding the coursework, as well as keeping track of due dates for the course. It is not the same as having a traditional course where the professor appears for lectures multiple times a week and briefly reminding classes of the impending due dates that occur throughout the semester. Having the option of taking an online course may be beneficial for an individual who has a difficult schedule, but many of these students waste their time taking an online course that they are more likely to fail. Online courses seem to offer more time for coursework to be completed, yet many students do not use that time for the class work. It seems more likely that they might become distracted by everyday errands. I agree that it would be beneficial for a requirement to be implemented for those who wish to take an online course so that it may inform them about their likelihood of success in the course. Improving the designs of online courses as the piece suggests may improve the passing rates of students in those courses. If a consensus cannot be reached as to how the courses might be improved, then I believe a hybrid course would be the better option in place of online classes.
Posted by: Crystal Gabriel | 05/15/2013 at 05:37 AM
In the article “The Trouble With Online Courses,” by New York Times editorial discusses that online courses are ineffective. Many students drop or fail the online course, and students who take many online courses are less likely to earn a degree or to transfer to a four year university. Although I agree that online courses are not having great effects on normal students. I believe online courses open up the door for the general people who want to receive higher education. In the old days, in order to receive higher education, one must take an traditional course at a specific time and location. For people who do not have stabilize schedules and people who must travel often, the traditional courses are not available to them. As technology advances, they could finally receive eduction without worrying time and place because they could take courses anywhere and anytime as long as they have internet access. For example, my friend, John, works full time, and he would like to take some courses at the college to receive a certificate. But sadly, the courses he need were only available at day time at the college near him. The college which had the courses available at night were almost an hour away. He could not get there, so he took online courses, instead. A year later, he received the certificate. Without the ability to take classes online, John must gave up his job or traveled an hour everyday to school. As today, many universities put their courses videos and materials online for people to download. This is another kind of online courses. People who want to learn something can easily download the materials from the top schools such as Stanford and Harvard. They get the same professors and the same homework assignments. It is like they are actually attending the school. I believe as technology advances more, online courses could have more interactions between professors and students. At the time, online courses may replace the traditional courses.
Posted by: Minjie Tan | 05/15/2013 at 06:09 AM
After reading this article, I do not think that having so many online courses is a good idea. I think classrooms are a much better way for students to properly learn and grasp concepts. Also allowing students to take online courses who already struggle in school will just make a bigger problem in the end. I agree that students should be doing well in classrooms before they are allowed to take online classes. That way no time, money and space is being wasted. Many times, I have heard students comment about how easy and convenient online classes are which I think should not be the case at all. As students, we should be challenged mentally in every class every day. Online classes should not be your “get out of jail free card”, they should be just as intense as classrooms if not more because of the no teacher interaction. We live in a society that is so fast paced and digitalized that we do not need any interaction at all these days. The last thing we need is to rush by with no face to face time at school as well. If we pay out of our pockets for education, we should not want this. We should want the best we can get for our money, and online classes do not sound that they will provide that. I understand for those who strive in school doing online is good for them and have no problem getting the good grades, but for those who need and want the extra help online should not be an option. Not everyone does well without classrooms and there should be a better system on who gets allowed to take those classes and who does not.
Posted by: Raquel Angel | 05/15/2013 at 08:34 AM
1. Although the New York Times is not completely opposed to online courses, some of the issues they have with it is that even though it is good for “highly skilled, highly motivated” students, it is not good for students who struggle. Students are also more likely to fail or drop online courses than those who are in traditional classrooms. The article also says that if students are already having a hard time in a classroom, they tend to fall even more behind in online classes. As if not everything else was bad enough students that take online courses are less likely to earn a degree and transfer to a four year college. I completely agree with what the article says because I do not think that taking online courses is a good idea because having interaction with a professor is a better learning experience than staring at a screen with pretty much no real feedback in my opinion.
2. I do not think that people are well informed on the numbers for how many students in community colleges do not earn a degree or transfer. The assumption that the Times is making is that everyone is informing himself or herself or doing the research for that matter on what the statistics are. Usually people do not prepare themselves before doing something they just do it. I think that the research that was provided was good enough for the length of the article. It does not need to be all statistics and I think what it provides the reader with is enough to at least give us what I consider to be important information. Depending on who is reading the article not everyone might find it useful. It can be helpful to the student already going to college and thinking about taking online courses because this could be a warning so that they are aware what to expect. For the most part I feel people take information how they want and see it to their convenience. Therefore, when it comes down to it everyone will take the information how they see fit for their life.
3. Liz Addison would probably think that having online classes is a perfect way to accommodate people that cannot make it to a physical college. To her this would be another “gem”. Having so many different opportunities to go to college if one does not attend it is simply because one does not want to, not because there is no time for it. Having online classes to Liz would be the perfect solution for those busy people that cannot afford to spend their time on campus. She would probably say it is like having school with you wherever you go. As long as you have your laptop, you can learn anywhere and anytime. Doing college online would also save students much more money and time, because you would not have to pay for a parking permit, or be stuck in traffic you can learn from the comfort of your home if you want.
If she were responding to the New York Times she would probably say that they should not be bashing online classes but trying to find a way to fix any flaws it might have. This is another way for everyone to go and get the education they desire. Sure, it may be harder but what in life worth getting is not hard? Online classes are just another affordable way for everyone to get an honest education. They are the new way of going to school for the fast paced society that we live in. There have to be different options to meet all the different needs and that is what online classes do, a new solution to a very old problem. It is about supplying a need for a problem that has been around for some time now.
4. I believe that in order to take online courses students should maintain a certain GPA every semester of at least a 3.0 and if they cannot maintain that, they should not be allowed to take online classes. They should also have to score at college level in English and Math to take online courses. I also think that English should not be offered as an online class this is a subject that needs interaction with a professor. In my experience with this subject professors have very specific writing styles that they expect from students and just emailing back and forth probably would not be enough to meet his/her needs. Having a full time schedule should also be something that students should not have with online courses. This could probably cause some kind of strain on the student that could make the student’s grades suffer. It might be an overload of too many online classes and with experience, if students are strained with traditional classes it might be even more difficult with online classes given that there is no one to really talk with. If administration could consider these recommendations then I do not see why online classes could not be given on our campus.
Posted by: Raquel Angel | 05/15/2013 at 08:36 AM
There are many schools that are seeing a downfall in online courses being offered since the rate of many students failing keeps rising. Online courses are great for student who have a busy schedule outside of school or for those who have trouble obtaining regular classes on campus. This article found in The New Your Times has a valid point that many students will not succeed in taking online classes. I agree many student taking online classes seem to misinterpret their level of difficulty since there is no one-on-one interaction with a professor. There is one point I strongly disagree with, I do not think colleges or universities should require a student to enroll and pass a classroom course before they are allowed to take an online class. A school should not require anything but maintaining an acceptable grade point average in order to keep attending the school. If a student is enrolling in an online class, they should perhaps do some background research about online classes and how they operate before registering. Students should acknowledge the fact that online courses require much time since the material is basically self-taught. Of course, a student can always email a professor with a question but overall the student must guide themselves. It is completely different than a classroom where you can listen to the discussions of other students and the professor on the topic you are working on. When applying to an online class everyone should know there is no student-teacher interaction. There are many students who set themselves up for failure. They think because it is an online class they do not have to attend a classroom, so they become indolent and lose motivation. Online courses are made for those students who are motivated, committed, and can handle the responsibility of managing their time well. Online courses require time for discussions online as well as several emails when questions arise. Students who fail online courses should not hinder the possibility of taking online classes for those who can handle the responsibility of an online education.
Posted by: Ricardo Palacio | 05/15/2013 at 09:48 AM
The New York Times article “The Trouble with Online College” presents very valuable points as to how students have been performing in online courses. The article repeatedly states how statistics have shown that students enrolled in online classes have a far greater chance of withdrawing or failing than normal “face-to-face” traditional classes. Although the risk from failure or withdrawal from online classes is much higher they are still very important for students to have access too. Yes, most students find it very difficult to succeed in these classes, however these classes may be the only choice for an education for some students. Most students have outstanding debts and responsibilities outside of school that make it much harder to be able to fit a regular face-to-face classroom in their schedule. With full time jobs to pay off rent or other necessary responsibilities an online class may be the only way these students can even fit class time in their schedule. These students may have a higher risk of failure in online classes, however these students have already shown they are hardworking and responsible giving them an edge and much higher rate of success in these classes. The argument presented in the article were that most students are not willing to put in all the effort that goes into an online course without an instructor or professor pushing them to do so. However that does not apply to these students who have shown that irresponsibility and laziness are not part of who they are. If these hardworking students were to fail an online course most likely it would not be due to a lack of effort but due to a heavy set schedule already on their plate. Online courses should never become the mainstream source of teaching and education, however these classes are important for many students to be able to have the opportunity to continue their education.
Posted by: Eric Anaya | 06/04/2013 at 11:19 AM
This New York Times article is well written, however, I do not agree with you Henry Hong. I believe that online education is not beneficial at all. Online classes require structure and an extreme amount of responsibility and time management, which some college students lack. There are some students that can successfully take online courses, but most online classes never meet face-to-face and administer the tests via the internet. When that happens, it is hard to look the other way and resist the urge to look up the answer online or in the book because there is nobody watching you take your exam or quiz. Research shows that online classes have a high failure rate which is possibly due to the fact that those classes never meet in person. In addition, I do agree with the article. Online classes not only give you the opportunity to cheat, but they deny you of the chance to learn. Sure, you can sit in a classroom and daydream, but guaranteed you will have learned something by the end of that two and a half hour class. Online, it is by choice to learn and students feel that they do not need to work as hard in online courses because it is like taking a take home quiz. Students think it is an easy A until they have to move on to the next step in that line of courses and have no idea what they are doing. Unfortunately, this happens all the time and due to the over populated community, it is even more difficult for students to get into classes that are on campus and that meet regularly. Furthermore, in looking to better online education, offering only hybrid classes would most likely increase the success rate of online classes. Meeting the instructor at least once a week will offer students the chance to ask any questions that they may have and are able to have problems solved that they deemed too difficult to figure out on their own.
Posted by: Tori Alvi | 08/01/2013 at 05:11 AM
According to “The Trouble With Online College”, students who take online classes tend to not do so well academically because there is no personal connection with the professor. I agree because the problem with online courses is that it is difficult to get help from the professor if students do not understand a certain assignment or even a question from the homework. When there is no help available to a student, they seem to get discouraged in their education and become less motivated. It can be a challenge for students who have a hard time grasping a certain subject and it is just a waste of their time and money. Many colleges provide online classes, but due to the fact that there is nobody who is there to pressure students or remind them about their homework and tests, students do not turn in assignments or study for tests, as they should. Online classes do not only have less to offer students, but they are also not designed for all students. There are many students that hate going to class and prefer to take a class online, but those same student sometimes do not have the best grades in a traditional classroom. Students should prove to a college that they are worthy and responsible enough to take online classes before they can register. People sometimes think that it is easy to take an online class because it can all be done at home, but at home there are not as many resources provided for students, as there would be at a college or university. People do not take that into consideration when registering for school, but in the long run affects them because they cannot graduate as soon as they wish, if they fail the class or do not have enough help to get through it. Online classes are not recommended and it is better to do it the old fashion way because students can engage into conversations with their professors and will stay focused in order to get to where they want to be.
Posted by: Tony Chavez | 08/01/2013 at 03:12 PM
I do agree with the article from The New York Times, “The Trouble with Online College.” The reason being is that it is hard to take classes that are online it is something that can easily be put to the side. Often times it is easy to procrastinate on situations like this. I do not see how someone can learn much from the computer unless they are doing all of the reading and stay ahead of the discussions, but this is far much harder because like the article says the interaction rate with professor to student is very slim. In most cases from experience I have not met with teachers that I have taken online. I can however choose to do so, but it is not required and if I am receiving a decent grade in the class I say well why would I. In my opinion before schools start to offer students online courses they should first take classes in class to show they have can easily make their way through an online class. I have teachers that say that online classes are not for everyone, and I agree. I had a teacher say it is not required, but it would be best if the student takes and passes English 101 before taking her history class. I do not understand why, is it because this teacher did not want to deal with such terrible writing. However, according to the article a study shows that students that took online courses were more likely to transfer and get a degree. To me this sounds kind of odd, but this maybe the students that are taking more classes and just do not have the time to go to class. I have heard people say that online courses are best for them, everyone works in a different manner.
Posted by: Briana Oropeza | 08/08/2013 at 01:52 PM
I agree with this article. Even though I have never taken any online classes, I have a sister who is currently taking an online course for the first time and has been having some difficulties. From what I have seen online courses seem to be more for students who have already taken other college courses. Since online courses are also the first classes to get full, they should only be for students who will actually pass them and not drop out. I would not recommend someone who is just starting college to take an online course, nor would I recommend it to someone who has difficulty understanding subjects on their own. Most of the time with online classes is hard to communicate with your professors. When you are having difficulty with the homework, the only option left is to either go to the college to get help or try to do it by yourself. If an individual is able to do college homework without the need of a professor that individual will do good in online courses. I agree that online courses can be beneficial for those who do not have time to go to college or for home parents because it allows them to take classes while taking care of their kids. At the end, I agree more that students should only be allow to take online courses if they had done well in traditional classes. The truth is that most people assume that online courses are easy because they are online. The reality is that online courses are harder because you have to concentrate more, take your own notes, keep on track with your schedule, and have to deal with sudden changes the professors make. For the most part, I will say that online classes are beneficial only to those who are ready for them, those who are not will fail the course.
Posted by: Vanessa Vega | 11/29/2013 at 03:04 PM
The New York Times’ article called “The Trouble with Online College” talks about the side effects of having college courses online. The downfall of online courses for the most part is the lack of interaction between the student and teacher. Since everything is done online, the student does not have the opportunity to talk to the instructor about the material. The student has to rely on emails, which may not be helpful in courses such as math because it is easier to understand when it is explained from face-to-face. The New York Times also stated that the students who take online classes are more likely to fail, and not finish their degree. The students are paying a large amount of money for their education and tend to give up once they earn a poor grade. The online classes tend to be harder for students to complete because of the amount of work, and the fact that they are not able to ask the instructor questions right at the moment. I believe that online classes are harder for students who are not highly driven and for those who do not know how to succeed on their one. The work is the same as the work given in the classroom; the only difference is that online courses could be difficult because the student is not always 100% focused when he or she is doing his or her work. The classes are not impossible to pass, but they do require more input and dedication from the student. Online classes could be helpful for the people who are not able to leave their houses, because of personal reasons. These students would be able to do their work at home, or even during work for the students who are working all day. It is a convenient form of education for students who show dedication to their work and are able to learn on their own.
Posted by: Jeannette Montes | 12/13/2013 at 12:18 AM
According to the article, “The Trouble With Online College”, published by The New York Times, online college courses are not proving to be beneficial for all students. The argument is that more experienced students have a stronger motivation to succeed, in online classes. On the other hand, students that from community college, need more face to face instruction, so they can have better access to instructors for additional help. The dropout rate tends to be higher for online classes than traditional classes. There is also Hybrid classes that is a combination of online and on campus classes that seems to have better results than strictly online. Less mature, or experienced students lack the confidence to be successful. In essence, the article is eluding to the idea that online courses are basically self teaching, and the students who have not had any college courses prior or have not been in the workforce, are having trouble keeping up with the work load.
It is easy to come to some of these conclusions, but this new generation of kids, are very well equipped to doing online research. People who have to work full time don't always have time to go to classroom settings. I myself would not be able to take classes, if it weren't for online courses. Today's day and age is all about living online. That article was published in February of 2013, which doesn't surprise me. It is becoming more and more apparent that kids these days spend more time online than they do interacting with others. I know that's bad, but it is what it is. I know, I'm 50 years old and I am nearly as bad. We have to learn to self teach, because our world is becoming so fast paced that you have to move at your own pace, and if online gives you the freedom to learn on your own time, than I think that's what you should do.
Posted by: Joy Cox | 08/27/2014 at 08:03 PM
Is It Still School? The New York Times on Online Courses
Are online classes really school? As a student who has taken online classes I've found them extremely beneficial because you are able to work at your own pace. My mom was an online teacher for several years; you receive the same credit as if you’d taken the class in person. According to the Time’s statistic “community college students who took more online courses often failed to transfer to four-year schools or complete a degree” perhaps the classes were too rigorous, maybe there was something else wrong that had nothing to do with the online classes; there isn’t enough information to come to the conclusion of “The reasons for such failures are well known”. I know the reasons are not clear to me, how do they know that every reader has the same understanding of education (online or not).
Posted by: Ariana Levi | 09/03/2014 at 10:25 PM
I have to agree with The New York Times Article “The Trouble With Online College”. The author makes a good point when stating that classes “typically have about 25 students and are run by professors who often have little interaction with students.” I have taken online classes before and I find this statement to be very true. Many of my professors lacked at interacting with me as a student, and I found some of their assignments and requests to be vague and unclear. Although it was convenient to have the ability to work ahead, I found myself doing just the opposite and lagging behind. The author expressed an interesting thought stating “colleges need to improve online courses before they deploy them widely.” I completely agree with this thought and believe that before colleges advertise and promote online classes. Proper measures should be taken to ensure a quality and meaningful learning experience that promotes achievement and interest.
Posted by: Amy Uhlar | 09/04/2014 at 05:27 PM
I very much have to agree with the New York Times Article "The Trouble with Online Courses". One reason being that I did take a major course class from high school online, and if you were to ask me today if I remember anything from those two years of Spanish, I would say no. It was very hard for me to stay motivated to get it done. I think one semester had to be done within 18 weeks and it took me well over 25 weeks. Also recently with some high schools, it is mandatory for a student to take a semester of something online. I do not agree with this at all. If a student was behind and trying to catch up, it would be a great opportunity for them to have but not a graduation requirement.
Posted by: Kaitlin Fulmer | 09/04/2014 at 09:23 PM
The New York Times Article "The Trouble with Online Courses" has very good points that were mentioned. In the high school that I went to, I took a foreign language online. I found it rather difficult than learning the language online compared to being in an actual classroom with a teacher face to face with students. Taking online classes can make it harder to focus for some people and for me this is a true statement. There are some schools that are starting to require students to take an online class and in my opinion I do not think it is necessary. It's very easy for students to get behind on online work and is very hard to catch back up while more work piles up daily. As the article stated, there are hybrid classes which allows face to face component, but there aren't many of them, and they are very costly and time consuming. Online classes may be great for some people who are better with technology and like the system, but for some it could be tedious and even frustrating.
Posted by: Angeleen Abedoza | 09/07/2014 at 07:12 AM
I agree that online classes have a lot of issues, but we all know that a coin has two sides. Well, the reason why I agree is that I have tried to take one of the classes online and it happened to be very confusing, time consuming, and hard to learn a new material by yourself. If we could learn on our own then what is the point of going to college. We need a face to face interactions with our instructors and we definitely need their help. But not every student has the same needs. I have a friend who took class online and finished it very successfully. Like I mentioned, everything is comparable but we are in college, and we are adults, and we can make our own decisions. Some students really do not have time to be on campus 4-5 days a week and having an opportunity to take classes online gives them a chance to succeed in college. With a lot of downsides of it, online classes appear to be the only way for some highly motivated students to receive a high education.
It is up to each individual to take online courses or attend the classes in person. What matters is an outcome and a goal of becoming educated and intelligent member of our society.
Posted by: Luca Surmava | 09/07/2014 at 06:01 PM
I agree the with the New York Times editors. The article "The Trouble With Online Courses" makes good points by pointing out the flaws in the new era style of education. Not everyone is cut out for taking online courses. Some students learn better by face to face interaction. Tuition for today's education is high and continuing to rise. A student should consider invest their money for their tuition in the best ways possible. Online classes have a higher fail and drop rate than those that refute classroom time.
Hybrid courses could be another way to go if a student is interested in the online classes. Studies have shown that the passing rate for students in a hybrid class are about the same as those that are full time in class students. Students that are starting out in college should probably just enroll in classroom classes until they are comfortable enough with the material to take classes online. Not all students are the same and some may learn better by taking courses online and teaching themselves the material in a way that is easiest for them to understand.
I myself prefer face to face interaction. I learn better when taught the material as opposed to trying to teach myself. I don't see myself taking any online classes in the future.
Posted by: Caroline Jenkins | 09/07/2014 at 08:08 PM