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Megan Wright

In "Its the Inequality, Stupid" Dave Gilson and Carolyn Perot discuss the disparity in the economic standing of the average American and the rich. Through a series of charts and graphs, Gilson and Perot dissect the top one percent of the nation. Gilson and Perot uncover America’s misconception of the true economic breakdown. They analyze the relationship between the top one percent’s control of the government and tax cuts as well as the growing inequality between the upper class and the average American’s salary. Altogether Gilson and Perot’s combination of charts provides an overview of how quickly the economic standing of the upper class and the average American are separating.
Though I concede that Gilson and Perot’s assessment of the economy in 2010 was accurate, I still insist that the disparity between classes is not as severe as they made it seem. A recent article on Business Insider states that the unemployment rate has dropped below six percent and that the economy has matched the fastest quarter growth rate since 2006. These two trends not only show that the United States’ economy is returning to its state before the recession, but that everything is truly not as bad as it seems. While effects of the recession can still be seen, the economy is beginning to rebound and the gap between classes is being reduced.

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